
Dec 19, 2011 22:24

CHARACTERS: Tali'zorah and YOU!
LOCATION: Various places around the ship
WARNINGS: None so far!
SUMMARY: Tali is doing some scans and staring at things like the lift apparatuses and star constellations outside.

Half the horizon's gone for a skyline of numbers... )

megamind, jane foster, cave johnson, statsraaden, tali'zorah vas normandy, asato, richard harrow, kasumi goto, ellen ripley

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uncodlyawwesome December 20 2011, 11:50:42 UTC
Eridan will never admit to the fact that his wandering around aimlessly is, in fact, aimless. He has a purpose, after all - every time he goes exploring, he keeps a close eye on his surroundings, drawing up simple maps and taking down as extensive notes as he could on his communicator, and nobody who was aimlessly wandering did anything like that ( ... )


uncodlyawwesome December 22 2011, 03:36:40 UTC

Eridan quickly keeps himself from letting his lips curl in sheer delight; he's good at keeping the vaguely disinterested look on his face, thankfully, and so other than a quirk of his eyebrow, he doesn't reveal just how fucking. Gleeful. He is over this new information.

"Oh, that guy." He lifts his shoulders in the most nonchalant manner. "Yeah, that's the big beluga wwho wwas all sorts'a irritatin'."


gofor_theoptics December 22 2011, 03:41:28 UTC
"What is it you find irritating about him, exactly?" She's not going to go on the full-defense on behalf of Megamind, but as far as she can see he's just an oversized, overintelligent child who can't admit exactly what he wants to someone's face.

"I mean, aside from the fact that he's a little rude."


uncodlyawwesome December 22 2011, 04:17:16 UTC
Eridan gestures a little with his communicator. "He's rude, alright. Fuckin' dowwnright callous, insultin' me evven wwhen he's got no right to be, wwhat wwith his big head." He's pathetic, really, but in a way that Eridan likes. After all, kismesisitude relies on the fact that the other just doesn't deserve a moment's fucking peace.

Well, in Eridan's book, it does.


gofor_theoptics December 22 2011, 04:19:21 UTC
Tali hasn't been enlightened to the intricacies of troll romance yet -- Eridan's probably going to have to make an informative post about that, too.

She waves a hand to one side. "I don't think he's had much practice 'playing nice' with others."


uncodlyawwesome December 22 2011, 05:10:36 UTC
"No excuse to make snide comments about someone's scarf," Eridan says, scowling slightly. "He's got an attitude problem an' doesn't knoww howw to talk to people wwho are superior to him, that's the fuckin' problem." Eridan's tone belied the fact that he didn't sincerely believe he was superior, per se - it was just part of the show.


gofor_theoptics December 22 2011, 05:17:06 UTC
She shakes her head at that point, feeling the need to say as much. "You don't really think that, Eridan. But I do think he's -- not as fully socialized as an adult is expected to be."


uncodlyawwesome December 22 2011, 06:05:15 UTC
His scowl deepens. "Wwho the are you to tell me wwhat I mean or not?" But she's right, so he just shakes his head. "He's a fuckin' idiot, is wwhat he is."


gofor_theoptics December 22 2011, 06:07:48 UTC
"He's someone who needs help." Even if she's -- easily frustrated by him, she thinks she ought to at least try.


uncodlyawwesome December 23 2011, 05:02:11 UTC
"Wwhat he needs is a punch in the face." Eridan isn't one to consider the ramifications of punching a supervillain with an IQ higher than the number of treasures he got during FLARP, apparently.


gofor_theoptics December 23 2011, 05:09:40 UTC
Tali just ... laughs at that, shaking her head.

"I wouldn't recommend it."


uncodlyawwesome December 24 2011, 10:02:39 UTC
"Wwhy not?" Of course, it'd come after some kind of dramatic showdown - Eridan isn't sure about all the rules of Megamind's little games, but he knows that showmanship is a big one, and hell. That's something even Eridan can get behind when it comes to kismesissitude.


gofor_theoptics December 25 2011, 05:41:35 UTC
"Because I don't want him to go plotting revenge that's inadvertently going to get the rest of us blown up, for starters."

And because so far she's not sure whether he's done anything face-punch-worthy or not.


uncodlyawwesome December 25 2011, 10:39:01 UTC
"He wwould be that fuckin' incompetent."

He really hasn't done anything, but Eridan is an all-or-nothing kind of guy. "Wwho cares, though. I'm more fuckin' interested in this ship, anywway."


gofor_theoptics December 26 2011, 03:31:29 UTC
She nods, if only because following this line of thinking doesn't seem to be going anywhere anyway.

"It's -- something, that's for sure."


uncodlyawwesome December 26 2011, 12:41:34 UTC
Eridan looks casually around the empty corridor they're currently occupying, then licks his lips and leans as casually as he can against the wall. "Gotta be fuckin' honest, it's kinda fuckin' creepy. Believve me, I'vve seen creepy before, an' this place is pretty much screamin' 'hey, wwatch out, I'm pretty sure there's some kinda monster lurkin' around the corner' to me."

Not that that ever makes him nervous.


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