now all of a sudden some strange things are happening to me

Dec 09, 2011 17:42

CHARACTERS: Claire, tenyeargambit and YOU.
LOCATION: Anywhere save for inside the restricted areas
WARNINGS: Your main two are being queasy. Probably not in the throwing-up category but hey, anything can happen. Also, the delicious scent of action tags.
SUMMARY: 'Take the blue lift'? What happens if you take another one like...the green one?

When from out of the sky like a bomb comes some little punk )

claire folly, clive dove, zouichi kanoe | au

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Comments 41

At the start of one of those longer lift rides: tenyeargambit December 9 2011, 09:50:51 UTC
[Is totally stoic, is totally chill. (Not as bad as he was but still feels pukey.) A true gentleman didn't lose his lunch on an elevator. (Is about as much of a gentleman as something not very gentlemanly.)]


[ awkward.] what do you think of our current predicament?


Delicious action tags. clairifying December 9 2011, 11:07:53 UTC
[Eyes closed because the lights in this lift are a little too bright, but listening nonetheless...]

It's a little nostalgic.


You always get me at fuck prose o'clock. tenyeargambit December 9 2011, 21:10:19 UTC
I'll say. Someone even has a parrot, and it's just the imitator that [insert name Luke gave his parrot] was.


The best time, I reckon. clairifying December 10 2011, 08:55:11 UTC
They seldom are very bright.

[Her answers are short, curt, but it really isn't his fault, she's trying to not pay attention to the sound of movement outside the lift wall that she's leaning on. Imagining things that moved at superfast speeds when your brain is working all sluggish and temperamentally- not a good idea. Give her a bit.]


zouichi December 9 2011, 15:48:17 UTC
The Cargo Bay was quite vast, but it was also largely empty, with only a few actual shuttles to be found. Was this normal operating procedure between refueling stops? Hard to tell. It seemed a number of the shuttles were in disrepair, too, suggesting an extended period of disuse.

Altogether rather disheartening. Whatever had happened to the crew that was supposed to maintain this area, it was evident that they'd been disappeared before they could finish their duties. What was there to prevent the same from happening to any of them?


clairifying December 9 2011, 17:55:39 UTC
If Kanoe's making a round around the Cargo Bay, he may hear the following snatch of conversation from behind one of the shuttles-- especially if he's close enough to that shuttle that's about fifteen paces away.

"...pilot them?"


zouichi December 9 2011, 18:47:43 UTC
At the sound of voices, Zouichi made his way around one of the nearby shuttles, curious. If it wasn't the skeleton crew, it had to be --

Ah. He recognized Clive from before, in the locker room. The woman talking to him, however, was someone he hadn't seen before.

"I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but did you mention something about piloting?"


tenyeargambit December 9 2011, 21:22:07 UTC
And Clive turned at the sound, more suspicious than he'd normally like to show (and afterwards would kick himself over letting down his guard like that). But then he recognized the figure, parsed the question, and his face smoothed over from suspicion to something closer to pleasant neutrality. "Oh, hello again." He turned to his companion. Pleasantries were in order. "Claire, this is...Zouichi. We met each other in the lockers." And then he turned back towards Zouichi again, indicating one of the remaining shuttles as he did so, "We were wondering what it would take to pilot one of these. As someone who has experience I'd imagine you know."

It was somewhat of a lie, but sometimes social situations call for them to keep the wheels of interaction turning.


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