[ Alright, she's going to make this short and sweet (by Vriska's standards) and remarkably, not take a second to complain about the whole situation. In fact, things might be looking up for her; after all, she's not stuck in a dream bubble anymore.
Vriska's already taken a moment to assess the damage and the possibilities of her being here, and for
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Comments 38
(Haven't seen any dice, sorry.)
Not sure how you could 8r8k keys on this thing anyway.
Which is pretty damn annoyingly flat if you ask me!
How ttly important are we talking about here, huh???? End of the world importance? Personal security importance??? Brad and Angelina staying together sort of importance???
Btw, that's a mighty fine color of text you've got going there.
also, a/s/l.
Which, is actually, not too far off from the truth. ::::)
Hey, thanks. Haven't seen any others with colored text, have you????????
Six sweeps, female and none of your 8usiness!
Also, your 8 key sticks. It's annoying. It's like that one dude who has his w's and v's stuck. It makes him type like a reaaaaaaal tool.
His text is purple! Apparently he's an alien and his planet is gone???? Hahaha idk.
Six sweeps? Speak to me in American terms! How many years is that? I'm 235!
vvris i didnt knoww you wwere here wwhere the fuck havve you been hidin
fuck noww evveryfin ivve said about trolls on this fuckin ship is wwrong somehoww you managed to make my amiable fuckin info post completely incorrect in one fuckin second
its like youre tryin to get under my fins
Eridan, what the hell?
Look, your usual pathetic advances aside........
How did you get here?
You're as helpful as you've always 8een!
I guess I'll go take my questions elsewhereeeeeeee.
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