001 ❦ [VIDEO]

Dec 16, 2011 17:45

It's incredible...

[ The video feed of the comm unit jumps to life - a vibrant mess of abundant green flooding the screen. The graphics jumble as she walks, feet a little unsteady on the overgrown soil of the Tranquility's untended oxygen garden. While the camera woman is off-screen, behind the device, there’s a laugh, a bit of disbelieving joy in ( Read more... )

c: applejack, c: james t. kirk (xi), c: statsraaden, c: isabella swan, c: spock (xi), corazon, c: jennifer "thumos" lanaughee, c: kasumi goto, c: sherlock holmes, c: mace, c: chase kilgannon, c: heatwave, c: robert capa, c: agent carolina, c: ariadne

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Comments 40

[voice] constructum December 17 2011, 02:30:44 UTC
[ oh ariadne knows you. (not really) you're fischers capa's crewmate or something. you now are on her radar. sorry.

her voice hesitant, but the obvious curiosity is evident in it. ] How do you know so much about this garden here?


[voice] harvestsol December 17 2011, 04:04:53 UTC
[ Has Ariadne seen Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon? Also, yes, that too. You'll have to tell her about Fischer sometime. So she can laugh. Forever.

She answers easily, tone light. It's a really good day for Corazon. ] It's very similar to the one we had on board the Icarus II, however on a much grander scale. It was my irresponsibility to manage Icarus's.


[voice] constructum December 17 2011, 04:58:52 UTC
[ oh just wait till she hears you call him robert. she obviously isn't sure what you all did to him yet. soo..she isn't sure what to make of you yet. :/

a hint of a smile can be heard in her voice then, as she can tell the woman seems happy about the topic. ] So you specialize in agriculture and whatnot then?


( voice ) flares December 17 2011, 02:33:30 UTC
[ Oh look, it's the crewmate that doesn't rue my existence. An exhale, and then: ]

Just say when, Cory.


( voice ) harvestsol December 17 2011, 04:12:18 UTC
[ Come to Spacemom. She'll make you little heart-shaped sandwiches and punch Mace if needed. ]

Whenever you're free. [ There's a snicker that's trying to get held in here, and her tone gets a bit of a teasing edge to it. ] Don't forget to bring your little duckling along. [ The adorable little shadow you've acquired, that is. ]


( voice ) flares December 17 2011, 04:24:34 UTC
[ It's nice, having a crewmate who doesn't want to wish you into nonexistance with every waking breath. ]

I don't really think it's optional at this point. [ If only he were capable of sounding fond, he probably would right about now. There's a pause, an obvious hesitation and then: ] Mace on-board too?

[ Which he asks solely for the purpose of avoiding him. The last thing he wanted was for a fight to break out in Corazon's garden. ]


( voice ) < I ALWAYS FORGET WHEN IT'S VOICE AAAHHHH harvestsol December 17 2011, 04:39:19 UTC
I'm surprised you've been the one to pick up a shadow here. [ Though, between you and Mace, not much competition there. She pauses, noting the hesitation for what it is. ] He is.

[ Another bit of hesitation as she listens more carefully, taking note. ] Have there been any issues? [ With Mace or otherwise. ]


[ text ] goingsilent December 17 2011, 02:57:01 UTC
Why do you want to clean it up? If it grew that way, doesn't that mean it's healthy?


[ text ] harvestsol December 17 2011, 04:14:48 UTC
Healthy, but unmanageable. There's a balance to these things that must be maintained. Growth is excellent, but the garden serves a function that can't be monitored properly if we're not sure what's happening where.


[ text ] goingsilent December 17 2011, 04:37:30 UTC
That makes sense, I guess. It's too bad, though. I thought it was nice the way it is. Like being out somewhere wild.


[ text ] harvestsol December 17 2011, 04:42:37 UTC
It is, though nothing on a ship can be wild. Not when it needs to operate with the machine.

Perhaps I could leave a corner of it untamed.


[video] assuming this is after they've talked some more sailorhonesty December 17 2011, 03:05:33 UTC
Y'all know where t'call me if ya need me.


[video] sure! /)_(\ Sorry, the last couple days I've been on a roadtrip home, so slow tagging D: harvestsol December 17 2011, 04:16:54 UTC
Of course. Applejack, isn't it? Your help is always welcome.


[video] it's cool it's cool D: it happens sailorhonesty December 17 2011, 04:34:55 UTC
Tha's right. Ah'll be in th' garden most o' th' time anyway. Feels more like home, if a bit like th' Everfree Forest.


[ voice ] antifroze December 17 2011, 03:46:20 UTC
[ You're asking the engineer to deal with plants. There is a lot of potential for disaster in this situation.

Still, he can probably do some... heavy lifting or something. ]

Copy that.


[ voice ] harvestsol December 17 2011, 04:17:21 UTC
[ Her thoughts exactly, bb. ]

There are several fertilizer bags here with your name on them.


[ voice ] antifroze December 17 2011, 06:04:52 UTC
[ He makes an amused noise, somewhere between a snort and a dry laugh. ] How many bags we talking here?

[ Kidding, Cory. He'll haul as many sacks of shit as you need him to. ]


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