Dec 11, 2011 18:58

[the feed clicks on and we have a redheaded young woman looking at the video feed. she's got the standard crew uniform on for now, since she still hasn't gotten a hold of her armor. she's apparently in a hallway for now but if you look in the back there's a blond haired man standing not far off and scrolling through his own device- but lets get back to the lady.

she looks pretty serious for now, but she tries to smile for the camera.]

Ignoring the other mysteries on this vessel, this is a call for all members of the Freelancer Program. If anyone under that designation is present, report immediately with your status. I'll rebroadcast this request in 24 hours just in case.

[she glances over her shoulder at north for a moment and turns back to the screen, her frown deepening.] And if anyone else aboard has seen a woman in her thirties, blonde hair, responds to South, it would be appreciated if you would leave a message here.

[pause.] And has anyone found any of their personal effects anywhere but in the lockers provided to us? I'm missing a few things.

c: vreille cox, c: leland armenhagan, c: robert capa, c: garrus vakarian, agent north dakota, agent carolina

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