We went to see The Golden Compass today. I'm not quite sure why it's been getting such mediocre reviews. I thought that it was a very enjoyable way to spend a few hours. It did seem rushed a bit in places, and there seemed to be quite a bit of deux ex machina - they tried to cram too much of the books into a few hours, I suppose - but I can think of lots of higher rated films that were way shakier on plot than this one. I especially liked the concept of daemons (of course.) Ages ago, when I first heard about this movie, I went to the
website and took the "what is your daemon" quiz. I ended up with a lion daemon named Dmitri or something like that. :) On the way home,
plonq and I discussed what our world might be like if we had daemons like in the movie. He had also taken the quiz, and without any tweaking at all got a snow leopard on the first try. I commented that between us, a male lion and a snow leopard in the car, we might have to consider getting something a bit more roomy.
I needed the distraction this afternoon, because I found out my
future hours today.
I got screwed. Like, royally. You know how my worst case scenario was working 8:00-4:30pm? Well, that has come true. And I'm also working 7-3:30... And 6-2:30... Basically, I am working the relief shift for the other guys. Mondays and Thursdays I work 8-4:30. Wednesdays I work 7:00-3:30pm, Fridays I work 6:00-2:30pm, and on the weekends I work I'm on 6-2:30pm as well. I still have every Tuesday off.
The decision on who got what shifts was based entirely on seniority. Nothing else was taken into consideration. So the guy who calls off because he's hung over once in a while, or the guy who calls off because his wife needs a day alone away from the kids... They both got fixed shifts, and I'm left cleaning up their crap. I'm still on days, which is thankful, but this rotating stuff blows. I'm off tomorrow, but I'm thinking that on Wednesday I'm going to have my first passive-aggresive stab at the new boss. I'm just going to point out that it's pretty shitty that the one person who has proven to be extremely reliable about showing up for work got stuck with a rotating shift. Apparently reliability doesn't count for anything.
And after the major annoyances today (SUPER busy day, I had a trainee (the new boss' replacement), new accounts, a long worksheet that needed updated hourly, etc etc etc), which included the boss standing over us making "It would be nice if you could make X a priority. I know you're busy but this needs to be done right away" type comments, the urge to flee has never been stronger. (And haha, I just realized I never did get around to doing what he wanted us to do. Hahaha.)
I am still on the waiting list for school, so no help there.
If it gets unbearable, well... Plonq has given me "permission" to bail on the job. (Not that I needed his permission, but my actions would affect him as well money-wise, so I don't want to do anything rash without checking with him first.) I am making a fairly good wage here, but there will be a tipping point past which I can't take it anymore. If I do decide to quit sometime this winter or the coming spring, I'm thinking that I'll just stay off work until the fall. That way, we'll have time to visit family, do some minor travelling we want to do, and see everyone before I have to start over at a place with no vacation time again.
In any event, my new schedule doesn't start until after Christmas. I also think I might make out quite well for our holiday rotation, since my day off falls on Christmas and New Years this year. I'll need another day off in lieu for those days so I don't get put into overtime. (Haha! I love Canadian labor laws.) I'm crossing my fingers... but it's also why I don't want to go completely off on them over my schedule. I still want to squeeze an extra day from them.