Do you remember this?
We get to do it all over again. :(
I took Jaws in for her checkup. First, they pointed out that she's gained a pound and a half since last year. Now, that doesn't seem like a lot, unless you do the math and realize it's about an 18% weight increase in a year. Now, the cats are already getting the right amount of food - the trick is just making sure that the right amount goes into the right cat. We really just need to up Jaws' activity level. (Maybe I can train her how to use a treadmill.)
Then, they pried open her mouth and looked at her teeth... And announced that she needs a cleaning and/or another extraction. The gum around a molar on one side is all swollen and red. The molar opposite it has a black spot and a red spot right next to each other on the wall of the tooth - evidence of a cavity that's gone right through to the pulp. So, yeah, that will probably have to come out.
Bah. Jaws isn't gonna have any teeth left! We'll have to start calling her Gums.
The cats get a special dental diet which is supposed to clean their teeth, but I've suspected for a while now that Jaws doesn't actually CHEW the food - she just gums it around and swallows the kibbles whole. I know Bella and Merry do chew their food, so we'll probably keep getting the dental stuff for their benefit, but I don't know what we're supposed to do with a cat who won't chew their food.
And no. I am not brushing her teeth. I like my fingers, thanks.
We're not going to book the appointment until after vacation, since we don't want to stick a
petsitter with a toothless cat who needs medication.
Otherwise, Jaws is the picture of health. (heh) She screamed and hissed and spat and pooped on the vet like a trooper.