
Jan 02, 2007 17:12

I don't know what it is about this pairing - well other than the obvious pretty on pretty and fantastically hot boykissing - but these guys just grab me.

I love Jack/Ianto (sorry, don't do squished name pairings, they make me cringe - hmmm, but Jack2 is OK - but these 2 just mesmerize me ( Read more... )

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Comments 31

dawn_e_h January 2 2007, 23:26:51 UTC
They are just so PERFECT... everything about them worked... the build-up.. the uncertainty... the pain... the kiss... the parting...

Just watched it again - and bawled my eyes out - AGAIN !!


ixchel55 January 2 2007, 23:52:15 UTC
There were some things about this episode that didn't gel (the almost ridiculousness of the 'clue' hunt irks me a little), but the parts centering around Jack/Jack are perfect.


dawn_e_h January 3 2007, 08:32:06 UTC
... you mean there were parts that didnt involve Jack/Jack !!!!


ixchel55 January 3 2007, 16:50:37 UTC
Well, yes, but not really. I did find the dynamic between Ianto and that total wanker Owen to be very interesting. Gwen seems to have gotten the lion's share of the shit plot with that stupid and clumsily handled clue hunt. But it's true, I didn't consider most of the time away from J/J to be pretty much wasted air time.


So pretty. So tragic.


britchick5000 January 2 2007, 23:37:38 UTC
I never cry at TV shows, and I mean never, but this brought me really close. I think the music had a lot to do with it for me, it set the mood so perfectly.
Personally, I think the tragedy of it is part of why it's so great. It's funny, even in an AU I can't imagine they'd ever get a happy ever after. I guess I'll have to be proved wrong by all the fic people are going to write :)


ixchel55 January 2 2007, 23:44:15 UTC
It's funny, even in an AU I can't imagine they'd ever get a happy ever after.

It's true. I don't imagine that our Jack's (boy this could get confusing *G*) reaction to orig. Jack would be so strong if it wasn't going to turn out the way it does.

Let's face it, would Romeo and Juliet have held so many peoples hearts and minds through the ages if they'd bucked the odds, ran away together, had kids and grown happy and complacent? Don't think so.

So even in AU fic, if you take out the element of tragedy, it's going to lose something.

Sad, sucky fact of life. Original Jack has to die. All they can have are fleeting moments. Hopefully there will be many.


andreawashere January 2 2007, 23:40:06 UTC
I know exactly how you feel. I love Jack/Ianto, but the Jack/Jack chemistry is *amazing*.

I don't think Jack/Jack fic needs to be AU. As I tried to point out at the OG (*stamps foot* but nobody agrees! ), I think Jack will go back for Jack eventually. The real Jack Harkness NEVER REPORTED FOR DUTY on January 21st, says Yvonne in Everything Changes. He disappeared. With a little help from future-future Jack.


(The comment has been removed)

ixchel55 January 2 2007, 23:53:42 UTC
Cruel! So cruel! But if we're going to be historically accurate you're probably right. o.O


starbrow January 3 2007, 08:00:40 UTC
I'm just gonna pretend that the Rift opening had short-term memory loss effects on everyone present except real!Jack (who was having an experience strong enough to override it). After all, it looks like the rest of the people in the hall just disappear, but perhaps we're just seeing time dilation effects, and they all leave, and real!Jack just stands there for what seems like hours to him and seconds to us.

Because otherwise, yeah, that probably is exactly what would happen. And if by some miracle not that, then definitely a dishonourable discharge from his post and general rejection from society.


doctorwhohp January 2 2007, 23:44:06 UTC
They're just perfect, I'm watching the repeats on BBC three as I'm typing this, episode 12 just finished and I just burst into tears. It's really moving in the 1940's setting than the 'real' Jack was scared of showing his feelings, because at that time homosexuality was not take well at all, it was just beautiful.

Gah! I'm still crying :(

And of course there's the shallow fact that they're both very hot. XD


andreawashere January 2 2007, 23:48:38 UTC
They are *so* hot. God, there's even tongues:



ixchel55 January 2 2007, 23:57:58 UTC
Shit! I want to see the Declassifieds for these 2 eps because I hear there's good discussion about all the relationships in them, but no one has up-loaded them yet!


Patience. Patience. *snerk* Yeah, sure!


doctorwhohp January 3 2007, 00:09:01 UTC
And there's Naoko Mori acting like a fangirl to Jack/Jack :) Tis' awesome.

I saw them at 3AM because I am THAT sad and watched the repeats and the declassified.


starbrow January 3 2007, 00:24:02 UTC
I have this lovely little plot bunny in my head where the Rift is open, Tosh is urging Jack to come through, and he doesn't, he stays in 1941, and the two Jacks leave together, they just run away together. This of course has dire consequences for the entire universe. :)

The one thing I absolutely love the most about 'our' Jack is that, while he values the monogamous commitments and bonds everyone else makes, doesn't feel bound by them himself, and seems to fall in love and fall hard, for those he's attracted to. He has an amazing capacity to love far more than just one person at once -- and of course that means while he loves them, he is not /bound/ to any of them.


ixchel55 January 3 2007, 00:59:59 UTC

Although I think teaming up with the Doctor did change him a bit. He seems to have a little more sense of responsibility now.

He seems to have an incredible capacity to forgive those he cares for, too. At least in their transgressions against him. The Doctor left him (he doesn't know why) but he still pines for him; Ianto and even Tosh betrayed his trust and endangered Torchwood but they're forgiven; hell, Owen opened the Rift and then killed him and he's still forgiven! I think the only reason Susie wasn't forgiven (and she might have been in time) was because of the 3 others she killed and then what she did to Gwen.

If Jack wouldn't be the perfect candidate for a big multiple partner marriage, I don't know who would be. As long as they had an open door policy, though. *G*


doctorwhohp January 3 2007, 09:28:33 UTC
He'd be a hypocrite if he didn't forgive Owen, like the Doctor did him, when his ship made the people say "are you my mummy" and act creepy in Doctor Who, you get what I mean anyway, I'm not eloquent with sci fi stuff, people could of easily died in that episode but a mass slaughter wouldn't be good for a 'family' show, they were enough worries about the scarines of the two parter as it was.


ixchel55 January 3 2007, 17:00:34 UTC
Hmmm, Owen's actions and Jack's during the Dr Who episode aren't the same.

Jack did pretty much everything he could think of to make sure no one would get hurt when the ambulance crashed: he brought it down in a supposedly unoccupied part of London, he made sure it was empty and no carrying anything harmful or contagious. He was careless and obviously didn't think it all the way through. It's not like I don't think he isn't capable or even guilty of doing something extremely selfish, hell he probably has already done it. On the other hand Owen can prattle on and on about saving Jack and Tosh but what he really wanted was to bring (oh crap I've forgotten her name) Flygirl back - against her wishes! - and to hell with everything else.

Wow, I'm gabby! *G*


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