Title: Doomed from The Start
Chapters: 1/15
asuraxtwilight (
lifeisnyaa) /
massacred_doll Genre: Angst, Romance
Ratings: PG-13
Pairings: ReitaxUruha (AkiraxKouyou)
Synopsis: Just like that. It was always the same.
Warning(s): shounen-ai, angst, eventual character death
Disclaimer: I wish I owned them.
Comment(s): This is what I do instead of my complicated homework. XD
X-posted: Yus.
I never would’ve known if you kept me out of the loop. But then again, if they say ignorance is bliss, then I would’ve prayed to be kept out of the whole ordeal. Things felt like they were normal until you finally told me. And I just can’t believe that I only realized how much I love you when everything finally ended. Suffering; yours and mine.
“Wait up,” Kouyou said, running inside the train just before the doors closed. “Damn you, ‘Kira! You almost left without me!”
The other blonde just looked at him casually before ushering Kouyou to a seat. “Not my fault that you’re slow.”
Kouyou pouted slightly, ignoring Akira who was somewhat begging him to drop it. “Remind me again why we’re friends.”
“Because I saved you from bullies when were still in elementary,” he said plainly. “Sheesh, Kou. For someone who’s taller now, you were pretty much a wimp before.”
Kouyou just glared at him, lips still pursed in a pout.
“Fine,” Akira finally gave up. “Look, if I apologize, will you finally drop the pout? You know that thing is evil.”
Kouyou’s lips finally curl into a smile, Akira smiling back at him. He would always tell him the same thing about his pout - that it was a weapon of pure evil. And Kouyou would always say the same thing back.
“Not my fault you’re weak against it.”
And they would laugh. It’s been like that since they were kids. They would have their petty misunderstandings but they always found ways to settle it before the day would end - mostly because of someone’s miracle pout. And then they’d laugh about it. Just like that. It was always like that.
They’re laughter was cut short when Akira coughed, his hand immediately curling into a fist as he brought it towards his mouth.
Kouyou looked at him with worry shining in his eyes; though he remained seated, just bending towards him to make sure it was that serious. “You’re still sick? Didn’t I tell you before to take care of that?”
“Only about 78 times,” Akira said, managing to send a smile his way as he coughed a little bit more. “And that was only this morning in school.”
“You counted? Wow,” the other blinked and straightened himself in his seat. “You know, ‘Kira, maybe you should take the chair this time. I mean, with you still being sick and all-“
“-hell no,” he cut him off short. “I’m not sick. My throat’s just itchy. And besides, a gentleman should never let a lady give up her seat for him-“
“-I am not a woman!”
“But you sure look like one.”
And the process would repeat. Just a pout and a laugh shared between them, and the problem was soon forgotten. It was always like that.
“We shouldn’t take the subway anymore,” Kouyou suggested. Silence had swept over them earlier, only to be broken by Akira’s coughs. “I think you’re getting sick because of the air in here. Like someone could be sick and here you are, absorbing bacteria like some sponge.”
Akira deadpanned at that, feeling slightly insulted that he was compared to a cleaning instrument. He scoffed light, “Thanks.”
“Come on, I’m just worried about your health.”
“Well, thanks, mom,” he chuckled. “But you don’t need to. I’ve got my own mother to worry about me and I don’t need you adding to that since I get this feeling that you’re just gonna pout at me and I’ll end up doing everything and anything you want.”
Kouyou grinned, “That’s the idea.”
“Idiot,” Akira chuckled again, poking him lightly on his forehead. “But fine. This’ll be the last time we take the subway. Happy?”
“Yes. I don’t need to worry about not catching this stupid train anymore,” Kouyou laughed back, rubbing the spot where he was poked.
And then they’d laugh about it. Just like that. It was always the same.