In database-driven applications, three different players produce the final output of the web page you view with your client: the web server, the scripting language (PHP), and the database back end (MySQL). When the client browser requests a page from your web site, the following steps occur
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Comments 5
no one is going to take the time to read it
at least i'm not
Do us both a favor. Take whatever bitchyness it is that caused you to make a totally unconstructive post towards someone whom you're already on shakey ground with and direct it else where. You absolutely have the option of simply skipping over my posts. If it's too much of a bother for you to scroll with your mouse wheel past my innane gibberish of code'ing, then thats you're hang up.
I've recieved quite a bit of constructive help via both emails, instant messages, and phone calls regarding my website problems. As, if you knew what were going on in my posts was; you'd understand I'm actually making ground on learning this stuff.
So regardless of whether you find it vapid or simply non-whimsical for your reading pleasure, as stated; pass on by.
Things are interesting when it comes to coding them yourself, being that I know you are hands on with things, it might be easier if you see the code in action, or at least get a feel for how everything is set up.
You can check out both:
PHP Nuke
For the real coders out there:
Please don't flame me, I am not saying that he *should* use the portal, just that it might be helpful when it comes to learning code. You can always backwards engineer what is already there to help you learn things quicker. =)
I have a few php and sql books I can look through. I will try to get you more information. =)
P.S. I took the time to read it, so that throw that theory right out the window! =P
But anyhow, again, I appreciate the effort man =) This stuff is just beyond me. I might just break down and find someone else's php pages to steal. Not sure how to steal the code of php since you can't see their server side pages, but I'll figure out something.
And btw, happen to know any decently priced places in Las Colinas for 1 bedrooms? After my lease is up, I'm probably moving to the 114 irving 635 Las Colinas area.
I am working on learning a bit of php and mysql in my down time at work. I will see if I can come up with any pages that will do what you are looking to do. PHP is where it's at right now, but it's crazy to try to figure out!
I will def let you know how that pans out. =)
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