Title: Six Hundred Dollar Shoes Be Damned
Fandom: Gossip Girl
Pairing: Dan/Blair
Rating: PG-13?
Summary: Dan and Blair go on their first date.
Prompt: 1. First, from
10_datesNotes: First ever attempt at Dair! I'm worried some of the facts might not be right and that I may have got them a little off-centre, but I blame it all on being from New Zealand and finding my feet in a new pairing xD I hope you enjoy!
This is not how it's supposed to be, Blair thinks to herself as she waits at the bar for Dan Humphrey. Argh, so many things are wrong with that sentence - Blair isn't usually the type to wait around for boys, particularly not boys from Brooklyn. It isn't her style. This isn't supposed to be her story - she's supposed to be swept away by a devilishly handsome knight in shining armour with a seven-figure bank balance. Not a Humphrey. She doesn't even like him - he's worse than something Dorota scraped off the bottom of her Manolos.
So why, then, is she about to go on a date with him? As usual, the whole awful business is Serena's fault. She brought Dan Humphrey into their lives, and then broke up with him before they'd even officially been out. It's unfair - if not for Serena's appalling taste in men, Blair wouldn't be in this situation in the first place. She would have been able to go through her life pretending that Humphrey and his kind were just a myth Upper East Side mothers told their children to keep them from doing things like wearing the same outfit twice in one week.
Blair had assumed that once Serena ended up her ill-advised affair with Brooklyn boy, he'd just fade back into social oblivion. She hadn't counted on the two obscenely amicable exes becoming friends. Hadn't counted on him being around all the time, with those eyes she could just fall into and those lips she secretly thinks must taste like raspberries. He was supposed to disappear and she and Nate were supposed to get back together and she was supposed to have the movie magic ending.
But, no, Serena and Nate are out on their third date and she's waiting for Dan Humphrey, all because of her inability to back down from a dare.
"I loathe you, Humphrey."
"You don't even know me, Waldorf."
"That doesn't matter."
"Knowing me wouldn't change anything?"
"Not a thing."
"Willing to bet on that?"
She'd known it was a stupid idea, but she hadn't been able to stop her mouth forming the next words.
"What did you have in mind?"
"You. Me. Five dates. If you still hate me, I promise I'll never speak to you ever again."
It had been too good a deal to turn her back on, so she'd shaken his hand, and three days later he'd texted her with a time and place. Now, he's late. Dan Humphrey is keeping Blair Waldorf waiting. It's intolerable.
She reaches for her phone, ready to send him a scathing message before heading home to re(rerererere times a million)watch Breakfast At Tiffany's, when a hand on her elbow makes her turn around. And there he is - perfection personified, in the form of 'ew, he's from Brooklyn'. Why is life so unfair?
"You're late."
"I'm sorry." His eyes twinkle with something - she isn't sure what, but she finds herself looking forward to finding out. "Were you worried I stood you up?"
Blair rolls her eyes and picks up her purse. "So where are we going?"
"Brooklyn," Dan replies, leading the way toward the door.
Staring at his back, Blair silently mouths it to herself - Brooklyn? This has to be a nightmare of some kind. There is no way - no way - that she is going to Brooklyn. Not in six hundred dollar shoes. Not even in six dollar shoes - as if she'd ever wear six dollar shoes. Actually, if she was wearing six dollar shoes, she probably would go to Brooklyn, because there would be nothing left to live for. But right now she's in six hundred dollar shoes, which means that Brooklyn? Not an option.
Then Dan looks over his shoulder back at her with his eyebrows raised like 'you chicken?' and six hundred dollar shoes be damned, Blair Waldorf is going to Brooklyn. Perish the thought.
He takes her to a seedy bar, buys her beer, challenges her to a game of pool. It's so not her scene, not even remotely, but she finds herself with the beginnings of the smile. Could she possibly be having fun? Fun with Dan Humphrey, in Brooklyn. She can't even begin to wrap her head around the basic concept of it, let alone what it could mean, in a larger sense. She fights to keep her face blank, swallows every giggle, resists the urge to let the biting banter become cute.
She will not fall in love with Dan Humphrey.
Well ...
No. She can't. It would be like marrying a dolphin. No, a skunk. Yeah, a skunk - something small and dirty and smelly. Blair Waldorf can't fall in love with a skunk.
No matter how charming, clever and/or cute the skunk may be.
She sticks to her guns, which only makes Humphrey try twice as hard to get her to smile. By the end of the evening she's exhausted from all the pretending. Exhausted from trying to remember the facts - Upper East Side vs Brooklyn. Neiman Marcus vs Wal-Mart. Audrey vs ... Marilyn. Or something.
But still, her heart leaps at the thought of their next date, and the ones after that. Four more excuses to hang out with Humphrey, before she cuts him out forever.
Four more chances to be happy, if just for a little while.