Yep, as always, alive. Overwhelmed with all the Katrina news and praying hard for everybody and trying not to cry anymore, since that's just damn useless.
And Al Gore is my new hero. Thank you,
koimistress, for the linkage.
And now for something completely different:
PC Experts of my, oh so talented, flist, I need your help )
Comments 29
I think this is the type of product you are looking for, but I would check with your installer for compatibility before purchasing any particular model. They may recommend certain types.
Since you guys are going Cable, the internet is not going to be hooked up to the phone line at all. It's going to be hooked up through a cable modem.
The cable modem will hook up to the router and you will hook up an ethernet cable from you PC to the router.
You and K might want to consider a wireless router, but then you'd have to have wireless network cards, an additional expense.
BTW, does you PC have a network card?
Does you cable installer offer help with home networking setup or are you on your own with self install?
Under Device Manager, there should be a section for "Network Adapters." Click the "+" sign to expand and list which ones you have. You're looking for something like an "Intel(R) 10/100 VE Network Connection." A 1394 connection is a firewire connection and not what you are looking for.
Or if you have a laptop, look for a connection that looks like a modem but is slightly larger and has little LEDs next to it.
See, laptops I'm fine. They're touchable. *g* The thought of opening my h/d stack? Not so much. Which is why I'm glad my USB ports are easy access at the front of my h/d.
Anywho, do I need to upgrade or will this be suffient? I will also have K check for hers on her h/d as well.
Thanks again. You are a veritable font of information. ;D
Oooh, thank you for such a quick turnaround on the beta. I thought you were otherwise engaged on beta duties this weekend, but that will be great if you have the time. This is the first SGA piece I've actually had betaed so I'm kinda cringing here. LOL! Trying to get new voices right... Oy vey!!
Honey, you *do* know I am barely a quarter of a step ahead of that, right? And I only know the things I know out of sheer office survival and home PC survival.
Ya know the lonnnnnnng 'get rid of infections in your PC by doing these SEVENTY-THREE!!!! oh, sooooo *koff*yeah, right*koff* SIMPLE steps' on the Microsoft help pages?
*Those* make my eyes GLAZE over. You too, right? I swear we discussed that in chat once. *g*
*sigh* So, I am a tech idjit too. I keep learning a wee bit more, but it feels like struggling to swim upstream with the damn salmon.
kyanoswolf, who breathes this info like it's the natural air, is being a BIG help to K and I in these comments and is also being incredibly patient with my enormous LACK of knowledge. *g*
Also, I have everything crossed for a good outcome to the interview. *hugs*
Aww, thank you, sweetie! *SMOOCHIES*
*crosses more extremities as we type*
And your continuing good thoughts for Colin are much ( ... )
Well, I hope you get on OK with my SGA thingy as there's liable to be more soon! *g* And I can't imagine who on SGA could possibly annoy you. *snerk*
You desert me on Smallville Season Five? I will come to Greenhithe and hunt you down!!! *VBEG*
You say that like it's a disincentive... Wha'? *innocent*
*smooches you*
And check this one out *points upward* herohunter made this scrumptious Michael poolside icon for me too! PURTY! ;D
Sooo? Doncha wanna help me fill up my icon spaces too? *flutters my lashes coyly*
You know, I'm a rank amateur when it comes to making icons and I haven't been much inspired lately anyway. *sigh* Besides, you'd probably end up with a bunch of Rodney icons! *eg* Though I do have a compulsion right now to make a Wraithed up Sheppard icon that says "Something's been bugging me". *snort*
I'd never have gotten this far without y'all on LJ. I'm grateful every day. Knowing I still have such positive energy being sent me, even now, when so many people, on list and nationally, need help more than me, is a very good and still humbling feeling. I'm just trying to extend that same love and prayers back outward too.
Ok, mushiness done. Where's the pr0n? *g*
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