Title: Branching Out
Rating: R (barely)
Characters/Pairings: Ninomiya Kazunari/Kamenashi Kazuya
Summary: “Door's locked, got a minute?”
Notes/Warnings: For the JE New Year 2010 Anonmeme. Because this pairing's taking over my circle of (whore) friends.
“Everybody go home?” Nino asks the almost empty KAT-TUN dressing room, and Kame looks up from his bag.
He can already see that wicked glint in Nino's eye - the one that says “Haven't I done enough member-ai for a while? Maybe I oughta branch out...” - and Kame just watches him lock the door. There's staff in the halls still, everybody coming down off the Countdown high, and Ninomiya's looking for trouble.
“Happy New Year,” Nino says as he walks over, slower than usual. Kame knows he's been having some health trouble lately, but it clearly doesn't seem to be holding him back.
“Happy New Year,” he responds automatically. Nino keeps moving forward, smirking the way he knows makes people uncomfortable. Kame zips his bag shut and stands. “Got any plans?”
“Organizing old bills,” Nino tells him. “Important stuff.”
“I see.”
Nino's very tactile, finding the buttons at the end of Kame's jacket, pulling on his wrist so he can poke at them. “You? What are you doing?”
“Family stuff.”
“Family stuff,” Nino parrots back at him. He gets straight to the point, like always. “Door's locked, got a minute?”
He raises an eyebrow. “Maybe. What do I get out of it?”
Kame lets Nino push him down to his knees. “You get me, isn't that great?”
He willingly unzips Nino's fly, knowing for years how this game's played with him. Nino always reciprocates, and very skillfully - you just had to find the right time to get him.
His fingers close around Nino's length, thumb rubbing against the tip of him. “Lucky me.”