I'm alive. Perhaps not all the way sane, but alive. That counts for something right? I think if I have to read much more about Aristotle vs. the Stoics vs. the Episomethings, I might fling myself from the rooftop but I'm trying not to think about that. Ugh.
Staying with my grandma hasn't been as horrible as I thought it'd be, but it's not exactly
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Comments 5
I can understand the whole racist thing. My stepdad who was really quite old was like that as well. It usually, at least to me, seems to be a product of the era that they grew up in. Some times in the middle of class, I just think about how much things have changed in 40 years. It's pretty amazing even though equality has obviously not be reached completely yet - for race, sexuality, or gender.
I wish I had tickets. *sighs* Maybe I'll be able to get some for a later match or something. Hopefully.
Aww. *blushes* You're just too sweet, :) I have another drabble for you though - it's a footie one. Oh my god, I've started to call it football. O_o
Exactly. I think it's hard to transition from one way of thinking into another one, especially if it's the exact opposite of the first one. I don't give my Nana too much stick for it, because I think she's really a lot better than most people. She just has her moments, and I pretend I'm somewhere else when she does.
I actually had an idea that sometime, when I can drive, we could buy some tickets for an individual game and go together! I just thought of it since I saw your post where you said you had no one to go with. It couldd be fun! :P
I'm not too sweet, it's true! You're great. :D And duh, yes, hand it over woman! I love footie fic! Isn't footie just fun to say? So much cooler than soccer. Plus, football, it just makes sense.
It is rather hard. *nods* That's why I don't get too upset with my grandpa and grandma. Well, their comments aren't so bad in the first place. Obviously, I don't really like remarks like that. I hate it when people make remarks about Asians too. Usually people don't think too much about it but I find it insulting when people generalize all Asians into a stereotype and do that horrible "Chinese-speak". And people never think of Korea! It's always just China and Japan. :( Yeah, I went off on a tangent. Sorry.
It would be fun. :) I'll just have to find the nerve to drive myself. :P I'm terrified of highways. But yay! I love making plans. :D
Thanks. :) I'm going to post it onto my lj though. I like being able to put all my fics into my memories. :P Footie is cool to say. *nods*
I'm going to get dragged to a live football match when you visit aren't I? *resigned* I should get revenege by dragging you to a Wales rugby match. ;)
*more hugs* Thinking about you. Keep hanging in there.
YES. What are you, insane? You think you could get away without seeing a footie match if I came? I don't think so, miss. And hey! I think a rugby match might be interesting. I'm always down for a spot of violence. :D
Thanks, darling. I appreciate it. :**
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