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Comments 11

neery February 19 2014, 10:30:18 UTC
(I was going to comment on AO3, but I'm geting 500 errors when I try, so copy-pasting my comment over here instead.)

Oh man, now you've done it, I think you just totally sucked me back into the fandom. I hadn't gotten around to watching the new season when the Carter thing happened, and at that point I ragequit the show sight unseen. But there's been some really tempting gifs on tumblr lately, and now I've read this, and I'm all Harold, and John, and Harold rescuing John, and John waiting patiently and stoically for death because he doesn't think he deserves better until Harold finds him and gives him a purpose. THEM.

That was so great, and as always I really love your worldbuilding.


astolat February 20 2014, 01:36:44 UTC
Awww, yay! <3 Don't get me wrong, I'm right there with you on the rage -- this story languished half-finished for a long time in there, to be honest. And I don't know that I'm ever going to feel again the way I did about canon. But you know, screw canon! *takes characters and runs for it* :)


aynatonal February 19 2014, 13:21:26 UTC
Instant favorite. I love this *so much.*


astolat February 20 2014, 01:38:26 UTC
*beams* <3 <3 <3


aprilvalentine February 19 2014, 17:14:03 UTC
OMG... I just sat for two hours reading this new fic of yours and missed getting the rest of my trash out for pickup but it was worth it. This world reminds me so much of an old, old SF favorite, the Sime/Gen universe by Jacqueline Lichtenberg (that was so determinedly non-slash but so-so-so close to it...), so it totally pushed all my buttons. Loved it!

And just when I've been feeling so annoyed by the fandom in general that I don't want to give anything back in the way of posting my own fic again... you might be making me want to.


astolat February 20 2014, 02:14:41 UTC
Aww, I'm so glad it made you feel that way! I only read one Sime/Gen book back way when I was a kid, but yes! bonding is one of those forever narrative kinks for me. :D


_whiskers February 20 2014, 03:33:13 UTC
Oh, they're super slashy (not SO surprising considering Lichtenberg was one of the grande dames of star trek fanfiction back in the oldentimes, though she's best known for an epic series which was not, quite, slash in the same way that sime/gen transfer was not, quite, sex.)


aprilvalentine February 20 2014, 04:03:57 UTC
Yes, I wrote a filk for the Sime/Gen series, "Two Kinds of Man' -- I think that when Jean Lorrah got involved with the universe, it became less slashy. But years ago, a friend of a friend in SH fandom wrote a long fic in which Starsky and Hutch were inexplicably transported to the Sime-Gen world and Hutch had tentacles and oh wow -- yes, the slash was wonderful. (This fic was never published.)


_whiskers February 20 2014, 03:32:55 UTC
Have never really encountered POI canon to be offended by, but who needs canon when I have stories like this! Oh god this is like rolling around in gratifying wish fulfillment pudding - the most powerful sub! Submitting consensually to the ultimate dom! Commence high pitched squealing noises!


wanted_a_pony March 7 2014, 09:25:10 UTC
Ho-lee crap! I can't really express just now how much I love & adore this: your characterization of John & Harold, and the world-building (including pasts that explain both men so well!), not to mention a great fast-paced plot. <3 <3 <3

I dearly, dearly hope that you write more in this 'verse, or share your thoughts & ideas & notions about how this dom/sub power works & shapes the culture & individuals so that others might possibly write about it too. For several reasons this paradigm seems so much more real & saner than the other "everyone's a dom/sub/switch, which determines your life & personality" schemes that have been so popular in fanfic for years. (Which, considering that your world posits a completely new, psychic power & additional senses, seems more than a bit ironic. ;-)

Thank you very much for writing & sharing this with us!


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