stories I haven't written

Dec 14, 2011 12:40

I am ridiculously swamped but I cannot resist this meme!

Tell me about a story I haven't written, and I'll give you between one and three sentences from that story.


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Comments 27

angelqueen04 December 14 2011, 18:03:52 UTC
A sequel to Favorite, where yet again some hapless visiting noble tries to cop a feel on Merlin and Arthur *ahem* reacts. Or something. Whatever comes to mind. :)

And OMG I HEAR YOU! THIS MEME IS SO AWESOME! Not to mention perfect for procrastinating on stories I should be working to finish...

Yeah, that decides it. I'm snagging this thing. *bounces*


astolat December 14 2011, 18:52:46 UTC

"What are you doing?" Arthur said, shoving Merlin up against the wall of the corridor. "You've been making calf-eyes at Cadrathas since he arrived, are you trying to provoke a -- " He stopped short.

Merlin had the grace to look faintly guilty. "It's not as though I were making him get all grabby," he said.

"No, of course not," Arthur said, fatalistic. "What has he done?"

"He's raised taxes on his commoners the last five years of a drought -- " Merlin was off again. Arthur stopped listening and started trying to think about how he was going to break the line of fortifications along the western border of Cadrathas's kingdom.


angelqueen04 December 14 2011, 18:57:15 UTC
HAHAHAHA! Sounds like they've got a situation like this down to a tee. Merlin finds some random king's behavior unacceptable, provokes some kind of confrontation, and Arthur starts making battle plans!

Thank you! Love it. :) *beams*


isweedan December 14 2011, 20:35:14 UTC


subtilior December 14 2011, 18:06:42 UTC
Oh, and speaking of bears - remember that one time Loki actually went on the Colbert Report? Gooooood times. :D


astolat December 14 2011, 19:13:38 UTC
"Uh, Stephen, are you sure you're okay?" Jon said ( ... )


subtilior December 14 2011, 19:31:38 UTC
HEEEE ! And again I say: HEEEE! Epic win! :D

"His eyes held a disturbingly bright and yet somehow vacant shine." = snerk.

Thank you for this one!


counteragent December 14 2011, 21:22:30 UTC
Lol!!! Pepper STAT indeed.


giddygeek December 14 2011, 18:07:07 UTC
The Entourage story where they live in a haunted house!


astolat December 14 2011, 19:27:10 UTC

"That's it!" yelled Drama, after the sound of the crash.

Eric looked up as Johnny appeared in the doorway to the kitchen. "Did you just drop another three plates or something? You get that they're going to charge us for the damage when this shoot is over."

"It's not me!" Drama said. "It's the fucking poltergeist! I just finished brewing the perfect cup with the last of my Kona beans and the little paranormal piece of shit threw it across the room."

"Yeah, yeah," Eric said. "Do me a favor and use paper from now on."

Drama glared at him. "Are you doubting me?"

Eric rolled his eyes. "If there's a poltergeist why is it only going after you?"

"I've probably developed more sensitivity to the spiritual emanations from my yoga classes," Drama said.

"You've developed something, all right," Eric said. "Not hand-eye coordination, though."

"Oh, screw you," Drama said. "Just you wait until it starts locking you in the walk-in closet ( ... )


cattraine December 14 2011, 18:20:42 UTC
SPN--the impala is infested with fairies, Sam and Dean make do. Bobby is along for the ride.


cccarioca December 14 2011, 18:27:43 UTC
The one where Lancelot doesn't mess with Arthur/Gwen, but instead seduces Merlin.


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