Idol RPF: Concessions (Adam/Kris)

Jun 02, 2009 20:48

So if you have not followed any of the epic excitement today over Adam stepping out with his new bf (note: this is an actual real-life boyfriend and not Kris!), I direct you over to the joys of ontd_ai! ♥ It was early today so you will have to skip back a bit.

(Can I just say, it is very strange to have a BSO who is actually dating boys. I am now waiting with fascination for the first determined het fans to explain how he is being forced to pretend to be gay for PR.)

Now, because I never let reality interfere with fun, on to more Kradam! ♥

Concessions (4,630 words)
Adam/Kris, adult, explicit

Adam jabbed Kris in the side with an elbow to interrupt him and said, "Okay, so I am giving you fair warning here, the next time you say one word about how I deserved it, or how sorry you are, or for that matter just spend your interview time going off on how awesome I am, I am going to be so totally overcome with love for you that I am going to have to kiss you."

(Read the story!)

♥ to merryish and julad and giddygeek for beta! ♥

All fb loved!

eta: to change to permanent link

fanfic, american idol, adam lambert

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