Vids! Mandara (Dune) and Black Black Heart (The Revenger's Tragedy)

Aug 21, 2008 10:15

I am very gratefully home! at last, and after successfully staving it off for six weeks, the traveling has finally laid me low and I have what is trying to be a cold, argh. But I am fighting it off with fluids and vitamins, and have gotten the Vividcon vids up. :D ( Read more... )

vids, dune, vividcon

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Comments 78

kassrachel August 21 2008, 17:24:14 UTC
Oooh, thank you for shiny commentary; I'm psyched to watch the vids again, having read your thoughts on them.

Meanwhile, I haven't been watching SGA regularly for a while, so the cancellation doesn't hit me in the same gut way it once would have, but wtf, this came out of NOWHERE. What an awful and weird way and time to announce it. Way to let all the air out of the rest of this season, guys, both for us and for the actors. :( *hugs all in the fandom*

It really is a weird and atrocious way to announce the news. I feel like they sucked all the squee out of me. (And right on the heels of Vividcon, too!) But we will prevail!* I am determined not to let TPTB ruin my joy, dammit.

*hugs you back*

*which is not to say that I think we'll succeed in getting more seasons, but we'll succeed in continuing to love the characters and the 'verse even if they take our canon away. Big meanies.


astolat August 21 2008, 17:57:29 UTC
Yeah, it's totally not what you want to come back to, seriously! It's all, squee! squee! squee! squ---*boom* :/


a cheer-up, perhaps! bookshop August 21 2008, 20:07:29 UTC

This picture by lizfu has come close to maybe making it okay! Maybe.



talitha78 August 21 2008, 17:25:06 UTC
The Dune vid is so gorgeous. It's one of those where I just sat back and let the pretty wash over me.


astolat August 21 2008, 18:08:53 UTC
*beams* Thanks! It really is a beautiful movie visually, so much fun to work with. :D


trie_squid August 21 2008, 17:43:37 UTC
OMG! I sooooooooo have to watch Revengers Tragedy now! I didn't know it existed (though, I've seen an icon made from it and hadn't known where it was from). Anything with Christopher Eccleston and Eddie Izzard in it must. Be. Seen! \o/

And, I'm with you on Lynch's Dune (though I guess he was only actually involved in it for about 5 minutes, but it does bear his surreal, disjointed mark). I love it 'cause it's been part of my memories since I was wee and tiny, but it is deeply, deeply flawed. I have seen the scarily long rough cut and it's brilliant. It actually takes some of the flawed out of it for me.

I've only been reading the books relatively recently. They're so interesting and the way Herbert will toss out a sentence that changes/warps everything you've presumed up 'til that if you're not reallly paining attention you'll miss is brilliant. It's like he did if so that you could have the core reading, but, if you're clever, there's even more about the subtly of things. And, I'm not articulating this well ( ... )


astolat August 21 2008, 18:33:20 UTC
No, I get what you're saying. The books really are subtle, and complicated, and I like his voice a lot. I loathe the recent sequels, which leach out all the subtlety and don't even have the eye candy of the movie. :/

And yes yes, see Revenger's Tragedy! It's a trip and a half, seriously.


marciaelena August 21 2008, 17:58:44 UTC
Oh man, you made a Dune vid! David Lynch's movie is one of my favorite movies ever, flaws and all (I watched the Dune miniseries they did a few years back and it was so awful I didn't want to watch the sequels they made). The cast in the movie is gorgeous and the wardrobe/sets/etc are impressive. I love the Dune books so much and to me Kyle MacLachlan *is* Paul Atreides. I fell in love with him watching this movie back then, and I still love him after all these years. So seeing this has made me very, very happy! It's beautiful, and I love the song choice, I'm definitely downloading. ♥


astolat August 21 2008, 18:34:49 UTC
I am watching the miniseries right now, and man. In some ways, this is a better story to tell (esp on a limited budget) and they're actually doing a better job of the exposition, but the acting is so wooden it feels like being clubbed, and wtf, this guy is SO NOT PAUL. Whatever else Lynch got wrong, I am with you, Kyle MacLachlan is Paul Atreides forever.


luzula August 21 2008, 19:19:16 UTC
OMG, the Dune vid! I love it so much, it's just...totally beautiful, and it really brings the book back to me. I've always loved that book, but I never dared to watch the movie because I was afraid it couldn't live up to my images of the book. But wow, that was great--I'll be rewatching it.


astolat August 21 2008, 19:45:06 UTC
yay! Thank you! And I have to say, I mean, the movie is terrible in some ways -- it's pretty much unwatchable cold, and even as a Dune fan watching for illustration purposes, you want to fast-forward past all the Harkonnen scenes and the lame exposition -- but in others, especially the casting and the visuals, it still manages to make me happy. You sort of just have to go in prepared, I think. :>


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