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предыдущему посту, про размышления об "отсутствии хорошей жизни", приведу некоторые цифры из статьи "
The World Misery Index: 108 Countries":
Every country aims to lower inflation, unemployment, and lending rates, while increasing gross domestic product (GDP) per capita. Through a simple sum of the former three rates, minus year-on-year per capita GDP growth, I constructed a misery index that comprehensively ranks 108 countries based on “misery.”
Below the jump are the index scores for 2014. Countries not included in the table did not report satisfactory data for 2014.
Упрощенный список приведен в статье "
The 15 Most Miserable Economies in the World"
Inflation is a disease that can wreck a society, Milton Friedman, the late Nobel laureate economist, once said. Add rising unemployment to the diagnosis, and his profession ascribes a rather non-technical term to the debilitating effect on people: misery.
That affliction this year will be most acute in Venezuela, Argentina, South Africa, Ukraine and Greece - the five most painful economies in which to live and work, according to Bloomberg survey data that make up the so-called misery index for 2015. (It's a simple equation: unemployment rate + change in the consumer price index = misery.)
(венесуэльцы в очереди за колбасой курями, 24.01.2015. Взято
По странному стечению обстоятельств в список наиболее "безнадежных стран" входят Венесуэла, Аргентина и Греция, т.е. наши, как бы, "суперсоюзники" в борьбе за "мировое господство".