Yay Fluffylumpkins! School rawxx0rs!! It snowed here a week ago and melted with the coming of that jealous sun. And i just realized you are under the impression we're in Long Beach, California. Long Beach, WASHINGTON is where your stinky be at. And shame on you for not maintaining your insulation properly, maybe you need to come down for a few weeks (after find a job) so's I can do some maintenance and repair to your insulation via my oven. XD. And it's freezing here too. Our house lost half of its insulation, and so it's just as cold inside as it is outside. So now I'm a stinkycicle. (no frozen dog poo comoments will be tolerated from the peanut gallery.....damn legumes)
Forget about the postage ... would I be considered a "fragile" item? Would they forget to poke holes and leave y'all with a dead&rotting!Alex at your doorstep? If that happens ... just don't let Scarlet eat me =)
Comments 4
I miss you like a fish misses the ocean, and think aboutcha all de time. Party on, Stinks. Party on *shnuggles*
PS: New layout -- w00t!
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