3 True Blood Drabbles (Have I told you how much I fucking hate LJ Cuts? Well I do.)

Nov 09, 2009 23:57

With a 3-day so-called 'long weekend' ahead of me, I should be happy - should, but not, cuz I've got to read 'Tristram Shandy' (oh the joy) and write a plan for my paper on 'The Taming of the Shrew'. And I should think of something witty to say, but I can't, cuz I'm sleepy but unwilling to sleep. Fuck this shit.

Title: Wanted Sacrifice

Author: asphyxiate_muse aka. ryukoishida
Fandom: True Blood (Show-verse)
Spoilers: Season 2

Part: Drabble

Genre: General
Rating: G
Character(s)/Pairing: Eric-centric, Godric
Summary: Eric did not see it as a sacrifice.
Word count: 164
Disclaimer: Show belongs to HBO; books belong to Charlaine Harris; I own nothing.
A/N: Written for the drabble tree at northmanfans


Eric did not see it as a sacrifice. He had wanted it - that brilliant spark of life - even with the exchange of eternal darkness and blood and damnation. He had wanted it then, countless centuries ago, and years of being what he was didn’t make him regret his decision.

He didn’t like to think that Godric turning him was against his will, because it wasn’t. He had given him a choice and he had taken it, along with its consequences.

‘It wasn’t so bad,’ he had remembered thinking to himself all those years ago as a newborn. Sure, he had missed his family, the village of kin and friends, and the golden sunlight, among other things. But he also understood a universal rule: everything came with a price; and somehow, as he was strolling confidently under the moonlight on his way to the opening of Fangtasia, Eric knew this life - this existence as a creature of the night - was worth it at the end.

Title: Void

Author: asphyxiate_muse aka. ryukoishida
Fandom: True Blood (Book-verse)
Spoilers: Book 6, I think.

Part: Drabble

Genre: Romance
Rating: G
Character(s)/Pairing: Eric-centric, Eric/Sookie
Summary: …he wasn’t himself. No, that wasn’t it. He was - in that pure, uninhibited state of mind.
Word count: 129
Disclaimer: Show belongs to HBO; books belong to Charlaine Harris; I own nothing.
A/N: Blah.


When he stepped through the threshold of her bedroom, his senses were bombarded with her scent - sweet, with a sliver of sunlight laced in the saturation - and he remembered. God, he remembered.

In those few days during the phase of his memory loss, he wasn’t himself. No, that wasn’t it. He was - in that pure, uninhibited state of mind. He wasn’t sure what to think of that yet. But the nights he had spent with Sookie had been… ‘Happy,’ he realized as the word popped into his intoxicated mind so suddenly that he was a bit irritated at himself for letting this foreign feeling seeped through him.

She had filled that void when she was with him - that nameless hole that neither his maker nor his child could assuage.

Title: Plaything

Author: asphyxiate_muse aka. ryukoishida
Fandom: True Blood (Show-verse)
Spoilers: Season 1

Part: Drabble

Genre: Romance
Rating: G
Character(s)/Pairing: Eric-centric, Eric/Sookie

Summary: Or maybe at the end, he’s lonely…
Word count: 152
Disclaimer: Show belongs to HBO; books belong to Charlaine Harris; I own nothing.
A/N: Blah.


There are no other ways to explain this - this longing, this desire to possess her. She’s just a breather, just like any other humans he has met and disposed of after he has fed off of them (or used if they are lucky enough). But she’s different. He can’t help but be irritated (and at the same time, intrigued) by the fact that Sookie Stackhouse manages to surprise and amuse him with all but one of her expressions or bold statements.

She doesn’t understand the danger she’s constantly in by putting herself near his presence. Or perhaps, she finds thrill in it. Eric can’t tell. He simply cannot understand her motivations sometimes, and it aggravates him to no end, though he will never admit this to anyone.

Or maybe at the end, he’s lonely - just lonely enough to crave for a new plaything, because that’s what all a human will ever be.

drabbles, true blood

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