sand_snake333Title: Lyanna and Ashara - The death of two ladies during Robert's Rebellion
guadRating: G
Character(s): Lyanna and Ashara
Description: I chose the prompt Ashara & Lyanna. I tried to think about what they actually have in common. Now we actually don't know much about them, if they even interacted (though they were both at the Harrenhall tourney), but thinking of their circumstances, they both die tragically and mysteriously because of events that occured during Roberts Rebellion.
So this pic shows Ashara on the left (Falling Star above) with Starfall in the background and Ashara committing suicide (the small siluette on top of the tower). Below her, the duel between Ned and Arthur Dayne, as presumely she committed suicide because her brother died.
On the right Lyanna with the winterose, and in the background the Tower of Joy, where she died. Below the battle of the Trident, with Robert and Rhaegar fighting, before Robert kills Rhaegar.
So basically I tried to put into one pic these two ladies, who may not have much in common and about who we don't know much, but whose destinies are very much linked to Robert's Rebellion.
I also tried to maintain it ambigous regarding any mystery we don't know yet about the whole story, how Lyanna really died, what were Ashara's reasons to jump, etc. Regarding technique I also used lots of reference pics (no way I can draw a duel without references, lol)
Hope you like! :D
Warnings: No