la_dissonance asked for a gen fic of Molly and Ginny arguing about something trivial.
I had a heck of a time coming up with a scenario, but with a little nudge from
bk7brokemybrain I came up with something I'm quite happy with.
I hope you like it,
la_dissonance. Happy Holidays!
Title: A Handful
Characters: Gen ficlet with Molly, Ginny, James, and Albus
Word count: 958
Rating: G
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Comments 19
You call up so many issues here, mostly that Molly isn't as young as she used to be, and does she regret that? And the parallels to RL parents having their kid's intelligence assessed they way wizards have their kids' magic assessed. Just a lot to love in so few words.
I am so enjoying all these varied pairings and varied ratings too. It's not all about Teh Pr0n. Besides, we need to see the beginnings of the next generation so we can understand who they are when we slash them with the Malfoys. Duh!
As soon as you said Molly and Ginny might argue over children, this little ficlet hit me.
Yeah, I loved the thought of James ditching his clothes at every opportunity (and how Ron had as well... I bet Hermione's got her hands full).
I'm really enjoying these varied pairings as well, it's good to think outside my norm once in a while, and great to be writing short little ficlets for a change.
Thanks hun!
Glad you liked it!
THIS IS SO AWESOME! I was in stitches the entire time.
The kids were hilarious, and totally unexpected, so all the more hilarious for that. James's nakedtimes! (And RON'S, omg!!!) and Al's accidental magic! You've got to feel sorry for Molly, but you had the comedic timing down perfect here. I loved the descriptions, too - James ran past them, tears spilling down his cheeks, hands cupped on his posterior cheeks, which were, as usual, naked, but not as usual, smoking. Heeeeeee! 'Posterior cheeks'! *giggles* Molly's POV was spot on, and really, this was just a pleasure to read. I'm so glad you decided to step out of your comfort zone! Thank you! *smooches*
YAY, You like!!
I'm glad you asked me to step out of my comfort zone because once I finally got the idea, this was so much fun to write.
I decided I've fallen in love with baby Al and toddler James.
Lovely work!
Neither of my boys went through a naked phase, but they had others.... many,many others...
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