Friday Night Lights 1x11: Nevermind

Jan 06, 2007 02:15

super_kc ordered me to post and, obedient minion that I am, I obeyed. So, an FNL post.

Nevermind spoilers within. Image-heavy. )

tv, picspam, friday night lights

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Comments 10

crickets January 6 2007, 00:05:35 UTC
I have to say you have my interest piqued. There aren't a lot of SERIOUS dramas with teens on them. There's a lot of melodrama of course. Always is.

Love the 8-Mile shot. Beautiful. Hotassery as you like to call it.

And yeah, you needed the nudge. S'what I'm here for!


askmehow January 6 2007, 23:01:34 UTC
It's a show that manages to blend in meaningful drama while at the same time capturing the non-mawkish, cutesy elements of being a teenager that a lot of teen-aimed shows go for. Plus, 8-Mile yay!


hafital January 6 2007, 00:06:17 UTC
OMG, where was I that I can't remember Jason in the shower?? *blinks*

And, Matt? KILLS ME. That cap of him with the sweatshirt? eeee. I just, can't stand it. It's not at all an attraction in the same way as, say, Tim and certainly not at all like Coach Tayler, who is more my kind of guy, but Matt, omg. Saying I want to hug him doesn't even come close. I suspect my latent maternal instincts are clammering for attention.

I want at T-shirt like Landry's. And I'm snagging that cap of them together to make an icon -- just thought I'd tell you. :D


askmehow January 6 2007, 23:04:34 UTC
I was cheering for Matt when he stood up to his father. He is doing the best he can, and his fther should damn well care enough to be there for him.

You're most welcome to the cap. Credit would be appreciated, but not necessary. :)


azewewish January 6 2007, 01:10:12 UTC
Between Jason & Herc and Tim & Landry, I was hard pressed not to make squeaking noises the entire episode.

I have no idea how this show keeps getting better. But, God, I love that it does.


askmehow January 6 2007, 23:08:58 UTC
The scene with Herc and Jason was great; I was worried that, because Jason was out of the hospital, we'd seen the last of Herc, which would be terrible because when Herc's around, we get to see a different, more human side to Jason.

Tim and Landry just made me laugh and laugh. There's an Odd Couple vibe to them, and it's fun to see characters who don't normally interact with each other do just that. There's a brilliant little gem of a deleted scene on the website of the two of them; I won't spoil it, but go check it out. It's funny and rilly rilly cute.


darkeyedwolf January 7 2007, 01:30:56 UTC
Hi! I'm hunting down new cool FNL friends, because my flist is full of fail when it comes to realizing what awesome television it is. Can I add you? :D


askmehow January 7 2007, 15:48:05 UTC
Of course you can! I've added you back.

This show is just made of win, and I'm so glad that more and more people are turning on to it.

(Also, that icon is awesome.)


mskatej January 7 2007, 16:42:33 UTC
SCREENCAPS!!! You are so totally awesome.


askmehow January 7 2007, 20:05:12 UTC
Hee! Cheers, m'dear.


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