Could it be a dietary thing? I've noticed that if I've been eating strong foods like garlic, onions, or anything else like that, the smells of sweat, girlie fluids, et cetera are a lot stronger than normal. I see where Jasna mentioned coffee. That's another one for me, too.
I'm not a medical professional, but I vote for something dietary (stronger smelling foods, extra coffee does it to me), sex smells lingering, or something like yeast infection/BV.
I've had this happen with all of the above sometimes! During finals I drink plenty of coffee, and it impacts my discharge (as well as my urine - it gives it a funky, strong smell). Drinking extra water, eating bland(er) foods, meds if it's a yeast infection (Traditionally, I'm the only one that can smell it), or trying to clean up a bit more diligently post-sexings.
it could be a dietary thing, but maybe it's also a menstrual cycle thing? like depending on where you are in your cycle, your discharge becomes thicker or thinner. so maybe you're just at a point in your cycle where it's just stronger? idk. that happens to me sometimes, but i think it's normal.
It's completely normal. Are you wearing clothes that may be to tight, nylon underwear? It could just be a result of not enough air for that area to "breathe".
Comments 24
I've had this happen with all of the above sometimes! During finals I drink plenty of coffee, and it impacts my discharge (as well as my urine - it gives it a funky, strong smell). Drinking extra water, eating bland(er) foods, meds if it's a yeast infection (Traditionally, I'm the only one that can smell it), or trying to clean up a bit more diligently post-sexings.
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