Dec 03, 2011 04:26
Are there any online resources for a disabled adult genuinely afraid that her father meant it when he said he wanted to kill her?
Does anyone have any experience or... words of hope, or anything, regarding being an abuse victim trying to get help? I'm terrified that if I called 911 (or had someone call 911 for me since I don't have access to a phone) nothing would happen, because it would be solely my parents' word vs. mine, I become completely incoherent trying to speak while under stress, I don't have any marks or bruises or proof that I'm not safe here, and my mom loves telling anyone who would listen that I'm physically abusive and that I used to beat her when I was a child. (It's a long story in which I am not completely innocent which makes that fear worse.)
I guess I'm just... screaming at the Internet and hoping that someone hears me and has some advice, any advice, because I'm scared and hurt and alone and I need to get out but I have no idea where to start.