oh, it wasn't *about* contraception, it was about religious liberty. THAT MAKES IT ALL OK, THEN!

Feb 16, 2012 18:19

In an effort not to rant about the House Oversight Committee a bunch of old, relatively wealthy dudes (who receive government-sponsored health care) not allowing any female testimony on birth control provision by insurance policies in the US, I'm thinking about plans for the weekend ( Read more... )

the gop hates women, keep your laws off my body, alcohol and caffeine mmm, travel, i am not an incubator

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Comments 11

why_me_why_not February 17 2012, 00:30:14 UTC
I say yes to all the beers! Have a couple for me! ♥


asimplechord February 17 2012, 00:37:13 UTC
This brewery makes this amaaaaaazing stout, called "Black Ops". It's a limited production, only 1000 cases, and it comes in a wine bottle. It is DELICIOUS. Like, vanilla-y and sort of licorice-flavored, and so good. And there's a chocolate stout. And a brown ale. (It is possible that I have already decided that the brewery is absolutely on the to-do list. POSSIBLE.)

Why don't I have a beer icon?


why_me_why_not February 18 2012, 05:30:20 UTC
You really do need a beer icon. And the Black Ops beer is a MUST! <3


f13tch3r February 17 2012, 00:35:12 UTC
Daryl Issa is a serious prick who needs to be kicked in the balls. I'm sick of that fuckface and his hateful machinations trying to get ahead. He's a loser and the GOP hate him as much as the rest of us but he keeps trying. The visual of that all-male panel said it all.

Yes, drink copious amounts of the beers.


asimplechord February 17 2012, 00:39:40 UTC
>:/ I love how he's all, "Planned Parenthood will provide contraception for people who can't get it via insurance or afford it on their own." Except, jackass, that you just de-funded PP.


f13tch3r February 17 2012, 00:44:03 UTC
hrmphh... And kicked in the face.


pjvilar February 17 2012, 01:26:43 UTC

Brooklyn Brewery is in Williamsburg and BAM is in Fort Greene. Can you swing that on the train? They're not close. But beer and board games, I vote yes.


asimplechord February 17 2012, 01:30:41 UTC
D: It's like they live in a completely separate reality.

Yes, I have no other plans for the day, so I can arrange to do one with enough time to spare to get to the other. :D (Also, it is possible that years of living in Texas, where one might drive three hours one way just for a show/party/other event, has skewed my sense of distance and willingness to migrate for various activities.)

ETA: And googlemaps tells me that the G train will get me from one to t'other. \o/


schlicky February 17 2012, 03:28:30 UTC
Yesssss, all the beers!!

My favorite was Rick Santorum's gem about birth control only costing "a few dollars". So I suppose he won't mind paying the $90 a month I just found out my prescription is going to cost me because my insurance won't cover it. Jackass. (I am so calling my doctor and telling her fuck that shit, find me a different one because WHAT THE FUCK, 90 DOLLARS.)


asimplechord February 17 2012, 04:28:13 UTC
It's like they are completely disconnected from the fiscal reality and life practicalities that constrain people not in their political/social sphere. :/ Or from the reality that funding contraceptives & family planning is way cheaper and more desirable than providing prenatal care + delivery costs + social cost of raising unwanted children.

$90 seems like a lot! But for the moment my insurance covers mine, so my co-pay is $15 a month. Ugh, it's so easy to take insurance for granted.


schlicky February 18 2012, 02:35:19 UTC
I wasn't on it for a couple of years because I had no insurance. I was working a part-time, shitty job and couldn't afford to get the annual, much less pay for birth control after that. I've now got a slightly higher dose of the same stuff that does come in a generic, so hopefully it won't be $90... oy.


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