Mississippi Personhood Amendment

Oct 12, 2011 07:52

Originally posted by gabrielleabelle at Mississippi Personhood Amendment
Okay, so I don't usually do this, but this is an issue near and dear to me and this is getting very little no attention in the mainstream media.

Mississippi is voting on November 8th on whether to pass Amendment 26, the "Personhood Amendment". This amendment would grant fertilized eggs and ( Read more... )

the gop hates women, keep your laws off my body, hell in a handbasket, i am not an incubator, politics

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Comments 2

enchanted_jae October 13 2011, 01:55:15 UTC
It boggles the mind. Truly.


asimplechord October 14 2011, 00:40:32 UTC
The glut of misogynistic legislation that is being brought to state and federal houses is disheartening. :( For a party that touts libertarianism and not having Big Brother overseeing their activities, the GOP/TeaPartiers sure do seem to want to know and control what's going in my house, my bedroom, and my womb.


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