
May 02, 2011 20:45

I have opinions about the news that's in the headlines, but all I'm going to say is that I hope that everyone who lost a loved one on 9/11/01 or when the USS Cole or the US embassies in Tanzania and Kenya were bombed feels some closure. I'd like to believe that this means we'll extract ourselves from the untenable, unsustainable military conflicts ( Read more... )

writing, sometimes it's like pulling teeth, but spencer is a really close 2nd, fandom, hell in a handbasket, politics, ppl have fought over this for millenia, discos, bden is my favorite, bandom, oh boys

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Comments 7

catchmelike May 3 2011, 01:51:10 UTC
I can't be excited for the fall tour until I know it won't interfere with school. :(((((((( lol I don't want to let myself be excited and then realize they'll be in town, like, the day before a mid-term or something.


asimplechord May 3 2011, 01:56:13 UTC
I am crossing my fingers and toes and legs and EVERYTHING THAT CAN BE CROSSED because Black Cards are on the Lolla bill, and I'm hoping they and Discos will be added to the ACL bill, since Neon Trees weren't there last year.

Actually, I'm still hoping that more TX/LA dates will be added to the June dates, b/c the days before and after are still open. THAT would awesome.


junebug_waltz May 3 2011, 02:59:40 UTC

i cannot even comprehend on a basic level what urie is doing with his face. THE ENTIRE VIDEO.

spencer is just like "i love this band and all, but imma just play drums okay? fuck dancing."
and for that, i love him.


asimplechord May 3 2011, 03:06:33 UTC
I think he's part Gumby- or muppet-faced. That's the only explanation.

I spent half the video wondering if BUrie was trying to look like Rivers Cuomo or that was incidental. And then I had a moment where I was wondering if he was channeling Gene Autry or Dick Van Dyke, and I couldn't stop the laughter.

Spencer really just wanted to know why the fuck he got stuck wearing an argyle sweater.


junebug_waltz May 3 2011, 03:28:21 UTC

i'm pretty sure he was ATTEMPTING to channel dick van dyke and gene autry.
but idk how well he succeeded in those endeavors. *IS A HATAH* :\\\\

(although he DID channel his inner ballerina... creepily well??)

hahaha dude, you know spencer was like 'i will totally wear this sweater. just leave me behind the kit.'
argyle = best bargaining chip ever??


asimplechord May 3 2011, 17:25:14 UTC
Hate all you want, bb, it leaves space at the barrier for me. ;)

Argyle ALWAYS wins. Unless it's up against the period-type clothing from the That Green Gentleman video. Or wearing a fucking PADLOCK around your neck. (Srsly, Spencer?)


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