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Comments 2

pau494 April 28 2011, 12:52:10 UTC
Oh, American Idiot. You'll be missed! But what an incredible send-off.

It made me a little uncomfortable to see little kids at AI. How are those parents going to explain Avenue Q to that kid?

I could go to the Met every time I came to NYC and still never get tired of the Egyptian wing.

A-FUCKING-MEN. Okay, so I've only been to New York once but I spent pretty much half the day in that wing. It is the BEST.

I'm sorry about work sucking. But I hope your experiments for the grants go well! ♥


asimplechord May 2 2011, 01:24:42 UTC
NGL, I'm already wondering about the traveling version of the show, and how it'll compare. :)

I have no idea how they'd explain it. And I don't understand how they could be confused - there are warnings on the playbill and everything that it's not appropriate for children. They spent half the show with the child on one of their laps, their hands over her eyes.

Work. It's like a wave: things go swimmingly for a while, and then for a while everything that CAN happen to make things more difficult DOES happen. I just feel like this trough has been going on for a particularly long time. Hopefully this month will be better than last. :)


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