I should serve a nice, ripe brie to go with this whiney post

Jan 13, 2011 21:01

1. I thought more than once about extending my visit to NYC when I got the NDP notice and then the pre-sale code for the Discos' show at the Bowery, but I seriously cannot spend that time off without consequences - the day and a half I'm taking are being made up by working MLK Jr Day and the thirteen hours I spent in lab on Tuesday. (As an aside, J ( Read more... )

music, analysts & journalists deserve fans too, that's why they pay me the not-so-big $, i am lame, politics, i am not a nice person, discos, /o\, texas, dontwannabeanamericanidiot, i'll take some cheese with my whine, \o/, what was i saying again?, rise against

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Comments 19

harriet_vane January 14 2011, 03:03:16 UTC
Tell me again when you are going to be in New York? I'm away a couple of weekends, and it would suck to miss you twice. :| Also, I am undecided about Discos.


asimplechord January 14 2011, 03:05:42 UTC
Friday, Saturday, Sunday, the 28th-30th January. My flight leaves early Monday morning. Good weekend, bad weekend?

I would love to see them, but staying that much longer would essentially be two entire days, and I'm supposed to be saving vacation days for an actual vacation this summer. :/


harriet_vane January 14 2011, 03:09:33 UTC
Great weekend! I'm away the weekend before that, but I'm around that one. Whoo! Working, but around.

I'll go if someone else is going. I miss them, but I am also REALLY WORRIED about what the new album is going to sound like. I am counting on Butch Walker to make it sound good, fingers crossed.


asimplechord January 14 2011, 03:17:19 UTC
\o/ We'll have to get together!

I'm really hoping that they'll play SXSW. And that their tour will spend some time in TX. WE HAVE PINKY SWEARS ON THIS SUBJECT, DAMMIT. Actually, my original hope was that they would tour with Butch Walker, and he completely skipped TX last tour so he'd probably swing through this time, but rumor has it that Gold Motel will be opening for him on his next tour, so. We'll see.

I'm really really curious about the new album. I definitely enjoyed Fever more than Pretty. Odd, and I'm hoping the new stuff will be a mix of the two - you know, less twisty-lyric'd but not as mellow as P.O. And yes, hopefully Butch will work his magic and make it awesome. (Is it just the name, Butch? Because Butch Vig = awesomest producer ever. Butch Vig + Dave Grohl is one of my OTPs.)


why_me_why_not January 14 2011, 03:41:47 UTC
I am so sad that I can't meet you in NYC. :( But that's mom's bday weekend and we have family plans.

I love CJ! She is still one of my all time favorite characters.

Yay for new Rise Against! They kept coming up on my Pandora this week at work, and I always forget how much I like them til I hear them, y'know?


asimplechord January 14 2011, 03:48:46 UTC
Family is family. We'll get to do a roadtrip at some point this year!

Oh man, Tabby, their most recent DVD. It's them recording their last album, spliced in between performances, like them at Lolla. In one of the fests, maybe Rockamring? they have the biggest circle pit going that I have EVER SEEN. (Then again, maybe there are bigger ones that I just can see from the ground when I'm at a festival, who knows?) and seriously, I just want to hug them all. TIM McILRATH and his quote of Howard Zinn's "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism" makes me ♥_♥ EVERYTIME. And then they segue from that into Hero of War. (See? I get flaily and incoherent about them EVERY TIME. If I ever met them I'd be incoherent.)


why_me_why_not January 14 2011, 03:53:58 UTC
Discos road trip. It had better happen.

I may have to check out that DVD. :)


asimplechord January 14 2011, 03:57:26 UTC
I have it here.

Just sayin'.


chiralove January 14 2011, 03:49:13 UTC
#2 = exactly the fuck how I feel ... we're breaking in our second new tech in less than twelve months and I'm fricking tired of being the one to teach and show and be patient and cheerful and understanding and niiiiice. *rolls eyes*

*hugs and good luck*! <3


asimplechord January 14 2011, 03:56:20 UTC
Second tech? Is there something causing the turn-around? How did you end up being the one training them again?

Dude, my patience is worn so thin. I signed up for 2.5 hours in the tissue culture hood because I needed that much time, and coming and talking at me, asking me if I could let someone else use the hood for just 15 minutes? Um. NO. Fuck no. The sign-up sheet was there for a week and no one else signed up. Sorry, go away. >:/

Good luck to you, too! Have you heard back about the paper you resubmitted? Are you allowed to submit a thesis chapter that is the equivalent of a paper, or does it have to be completely re-written b/c of copyright/IP issues? [The latter is true at UT, which I find ridiculous. It de-incentivizes paper-writing until after the thesis. Which is shitty for grant-renewal and fellowship application purposes.]


chiralove January 14 2011, 04:05:40 UTC
Oh my goodness, people should respect sign-up sheets more than they do! On the other hand, people shouldn't slap random sign-up sheets onto things just because they feel like it, because it's a huge hassle to have to sign your name in order to spin cells for 15 minutes, but whatever. When there are sign-up sheets for good reason, people should plan ahead and sign up in advance!

I'm training the techs because the only one left who a) knows enough to train them and b) is actually there! Our lab is like, really tiny right now. :/ The last one was fine, but she ended up with some research job studying ... snails, or something over in the evolutionary bio department, which, well, whatever. Our new tech is making me want to bang my head against the freaking wall ... she almost made us tetrazolium plates, instead of tetracycline plates. Ugh. At least she's bright enough to ask questions before going off and doing these things, so there's one plus ( ... )


asimplechord January 14 2011, 18:24:20 UTC
Heh. Someone tried to use doxycycline instead of doxirubicin the other day. They were like, "Well, the tube said dox, so I figured it was what I wanted."

The thing about the hood is that there's always been a weekly sign-up sheet - it's not like that's a new phenomenon. And I didn't just go in at 8:45 and sign out 9-11:30; I checked with people, and then signed up the afternoon before.

PNAS is decent. IDK, I find the quality variable because it's such a "who you know" journal, some papers are awesome, and others make me wonder how they got in. The longer I'm in academics, the more convinced I become that success at research is based 25% on work, 25% on intelligence, 25% on luck, 25% on who you know.


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