TOKYO, Nov. 14 - A young Japanese woman in the comic book "Hating the Korean Wave" exclaims, "It's not an exaggeration to say that Japan built the South Korea of today!" In another passage the book states that "there is nothing at all in Korean culture to be proud of."
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Comments 16
heres a good example from the Korean side.
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i know i'm not waxing very scholarly on this issue, but it would seem from historical evidence that korea has a bit more reason not to like japan than for japan to dislike korea. not that i want to exhonerate the koreans of any atrocities they might have committed, but it seems overwhelmingly to be badness on the side of japan.
i really think that japan needs to curb this violent xenophobia. it's not an exaggeration to say that japan wouldn't be the country it is without korean and chinese influence (to steal the line back from that character).
i like japan a lot, and my focus in my major was predominantly there, but sometimes the culture is a little repulsive...
of course some of these people have children who carry on the mentality, and kids in Japan will read anything thats provacative enough, but it doesnt necessarily mean that just because one series of anti-korean comics have had a run of popularity that anti-Korean sentiment itself is popular.
The majority of Japanese people know that the cultures of Japan, China, and Korea all share cultural traits, and while some Japanese may regard Korean and Chinese immigrants with a bit of disdain for what they percive as a tendancy for them to cause trouble, by and large this is not an issue, only for the extremists.
the problem i see with putting this into a manga format is that it makes it more immediately accessible. true, most people might not openly espouse that severe anti-asian sentiment, but once that idea is in there, it has a chance to make a subtle, lasting impact. the manga may just be expressing some offhand opinions about korea and china, but it's still able to affect the person who is being entertained...
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