Round 02 Official Participants List

Aug 03, 2007 14:00

If you would like to participate in the Asian LIMS: ROUND 02, please comment to this post. The mods will create a list of the Round 02 participants here. Please note that this is only for the second round; subsequent rounds will have different sign-up posts, meaning that this is by no means a year-long binding contract. :D;;

And again, for those of you who intend to participate, it is in your best interest that you join the community and watch it as well. That way you won't miss any challenges or notices and such. (:


Strike through names have been eliminated (voted off), disqualified (ran out of skips, failure to follow rules), or withdrawn. Starred* names have no more skips left!

01. almateria*
02. anestel
03. wingweaver22
04. desibabycakes*
05. yuki_12ten*
06. pinkosa*
07. sushikabob89*
08. oulan*
09. kaneha*
10. honeymellow*
11. lostami
12. sunaneko*
13. mayleann*
14. involute*
15. firefadesaway*
16. aerialle*
17. incoming*
18. redone*
19. scanky_chops*
20. hellofruit
21. taichou*
22. midnitexsonata*
23. jiltu
24. obsessgirl*
25. faith_nyaa
26. kaiten*
27. potassium
28. shannonsu*
29. yuexu
30. tsuyogari*
31. samuraiblues*
32. morven_eledven*
33. cdg
34. puppet926*
35. gamera
36. xenylamine
37. br_girl_*
38. quatre_x*
39. shixon*
40. shueibi
41. eriyuu*
42. youenvyme
43. needlespike*
44. lonely_lemon*
45. shwinlewin*

There are 3 contestants left in Round 02 of asianlims.

sign-ups, round 2

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