Quick update

Aug 27, 2010 02:53

Just to say that I updated my friends-only post, though I'm hunting for a new banner, with new instructions. I'm sure they must sound harsh, but I'm feeling harsh. Also did a minor friends cut. But if you can see this, then you weren't cut...

friends-cut, (public)

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Comments 8

cosmo_jenny August 27 2010, 12:19:46 UTC
WORD to your f/o post.
Mine are super bitch-y mostly but people just don't want to listen.
You can check them here


ashspark August 27 2010, 12:27:17 UTC
I'm actually glad you didn't thought I was being too harsh on this, because well, it felt necessary to me, but sometimes I feel like people on the internet expect you to be this bubble gummy personality, never saying anything serious. Yet, I finf myself between a rock in a hard place in my real life, and I know that I'm gonna make more emo post in the future, and well, people don't like to read emo post, but if you need to make them, you should be able to do so without being afraid of what your flist will think about you, right?

Your f-o post are just cool, imo, a little bitchy, but no more than is needed. I mean, people friend you for whatever reason then they can be bothered to leave a comment or tell you why they friended you? I think it's propoer lj etiquette to ask before friending, or to leave a comment expalining your pov...


cosmo_jenny August 27 2010, 17:56:42 UTC
One of my other online friends put it the right way. She said, "It is your journal, you control what is written and you control who is reading."
If you are afraid what your flist is thinking, then - I am afraid, there are people on your flist who don't belong there.

You can make as such emo posts as you like. ;) I will read them, I will symphatise with you, most of the times I will comment, other times I won't because I won't know what to say but you need to remember that I will always read them.

I had a bunch of people friending me when I posted my NC17 Robert/Kristen. I had made it clear before that my writing stuff is in the comm but yeah, some people just don't listen. Or read. Whatever.
Either way, with enthusiastic fangirls, you need to stop being subtle and start being blunt. Because many of them just don't get it.


mhairiclaire August 27 2010, 12:48:45 UTC
I think this guy should be in your new banner

... )


ashspark August 27 2010, 12:56:01 UTC
Lol, he would be a good indication...

You are not on my flist right now, I think I cut you when I did my previous friend cut beause you hadn't said you wanted to say, but I'm beginning to wonder if maybe you saw it at all... Do you want me to add you as a friend or are you happy with the situation as it is?


mhairiclaire August 27 2010, 14:08:55 UTC
I must have missed that post. There was about a weeks worth of Flist posts I never managed to catch up on so it must have been in amongst them. Would you mind adding me again? I'm needy like that ;)


ashspark August 27 2010, 14:57:56 UTC
Lol, it's no trouble at all! I was thinking that I ought to bring it up because for someone who hadn't asked to remain on my flist, you still commented quite often! Be prepared for an assault of emo-ey things on your flist, I haven't been the happiest camper lately!


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