Title: Tattoos Part 3 - The End Of A Tattoo
Rating: A soft R at worse…
Summary: This is a three-part story which is more of a study about a very specific tattoo. The last part is here and takes place a couple of months after Part 2.
Warning: Spoilery for season 2 finale, like really spoilery.
Pairing: Jax/Tara prominently, mentions of other canon
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Comments 7
LOVE the beginning with jax/tara/abel.
i liked how you worked wendy into the story and its great that she didn't freak out about abel being kidnapped and continuing to stay clean for abels future.
i kinda figured she'd get abels name tatted and i like her explanation. it reminds me of how sad she was in the pilot just standing there watching the babies and possibly thinking about how leaving charming led jax to wendy and abel being born all cranked out.
I really wanted to get Wendy into this story, because well, it was supposed to be a study of the crow tattoo, and I couldn't think of anyone else who would want to get rid of it... Sure, I could have written about Tara pondering whether to keep it or not, but we knew that she had kept it... I wanted to work with both flash backs and flash forwards...
I thought it was pretty obvious too what tatoo I had intended her to get, especially considering she was reflecting about that was where JAx had gotten his Abel tattoo too, but well, you can't be original all the time! But I'm also glad the explanaion didn't seem to cheesy...
That scene when she was watching the baies was heartbreaking! And the other scene that made me squee was in the season 2 premiere, when Gemma and Tara had that conversation about Tara being on the pill, because Tara had that "sad, aching, empty womb look" on her face, according to Gemma...
the flashback/flash forward was wonderful in demonstrating how tara felt the crow binded her to jax as a good thing while wendy saw it as the complete opposite.
awww the sad, empty aching womb look :(
i liked her little freakout when she told jax about the suspension. at some point, playing house isn't gonna be enough, i'm gonna want a baby or two.
When I envisionned this fanfic, I wanted to have one part where someone got the tatoo, another one when somebody didn't get what it really meant, prompting an explanation, and a last part when somebody would want to have the tatoo removed because of a too heavy significance, and Wendy was the only person I could think of that would make sense in that position. I'm just glad I managed to make it work in a way, you know? I think Wendy gets hated on a lot, and even though I don't like her particularly, I wanted to write a respectful piece, I didn't want to bash her in anyway...
So I'm really glad ou enjoyed that part!
Ca me donne de l'espoir pour la saison 3, mais j'aurai du attendre encore un peu, la ca va faire looooong jusqu'a septembre!
Great story, les personnages correspondent bien à la série et j'aime bien la symbolique du tatouage ;)
Et j'en ai écrit encore une autre de fic, un one shot pour SoA, et je pense en écrire plus dans les semaines qui viennent, il faut juste que je trouve des thèmes qui m'inspirent! Là cette série est née parce que j'ai lu une itw de Kurt Sutter, le créateur qui parlait de choses qu'on ne voit pas à l'écran et qui sont implicites pour les SoA, il a mentionné les tatouages et le fait qu'ils étaient spéciaux, et de fil en aiguille, je me suis retrouvée à écrire ça...
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