Movies And Books Of 2010

Dec 31, 2010 00:25

For this year, my List of Movies watched and Books Read...

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Comments 15

marshmallow January 4 2010, 00:19:49 UTC
Ooh.. How was The Invention of Lying?


ashspark January 4 2010, 00:24:59 UTC
It was cute actually, I like Ricky Gervais, and it had some pretty smart moments, but I think I expected more wits from Gervais... It's a good movie, just not one I would rewatch unless it's on tv one night there's nothing else on...


runawaytomars January 5 2010, 00:43:11 UTC
Finalement tu mets pas tes ratings?


ashspark January 5 2010, 00:46:18 UTC
Ca me faisait un truc tout chelou, les étoiles étaient pas de bonne taille. Mais je continue à chercher... Pour le moment ça va, j'ai pas vu tant de film que ça, alors je me souviens de ceux que j'ai aimé ou pas...


kakinou January 7 2010, 12:26:10 UTC
I want to see The Holiday! Is is good?

I should watch The Lords of The Rings. I'm one of those people who never saw it! Yes, yes we exist.


ashspark January 7 2010, 12:34:29 UTC
The Holiday was sappy but good. I liked it. Jude Law had been grating on my nerves for some time, and I was actually very pleased to find him nice in this movie, so yeah, I think you should watch it ( ... )


kakinou January 7 2010, 14:21:42 UTC
As soon as I'm back at my mom's I'll start the dl!

The thing is, I literally can't watch a movie before I read the book it's from. So I would like to read the trilogy before. I've been having an internal argument with myself over the past few months about whether to read it in English or in French. I never read a book in French when I can read it in English, except if it's way too complicated. (Except when it comes to Shakespeare.) And everyone tells me it's super complex and that I should read it in French.
As soon as I picked the language I'll be able to read it ;)

The fine art of me complicating my own life... *sigh*


ashspark January 7 2010, 19:03:59 UTC
I honestly believe that you should read them in French first to be sure to grasp everything because there's a lot of things going on, and that you should read it again later in English. That's what I did, and the French translation was really good...


bluie92 January 2 2011, 02:04:16 UTC
When did you watch Tomorrow When the War Began? I didn't think they were releasing it internationally... I'm glad you liked it. You should read the books, they are quite good, however a little repetative.


ashspark January 2 2011, 10:06:14 UTC
They didn't release it internationally indeed, I found a dvd rio on my flist one morning and decided I wanted to watch it! It must have been on Christmas Day actually!
I really liked it, and I found the nooks, they're the first "to "read" on my list!


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