Re: Friends-Cut

Dec 06, 2009 10:47

Hello people...

It's been a week since my post about me cutting all my lj-friends I think I don't interact at all with anymore, and this is me having done it.

If you can't see this post then you've been cut. I cut those who wanted to be cut and a few who never aknowledged the f-cut post had been done. If you didn't see said post and would ( Read more... )

friends-cut, (public)

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Comments 17

evendia December 6 2009, 10:04:53 UTC
Uh, I've actually missed that post. O_O Sorry about that. I'd really like to stay on your list, I was going to do your meme today as well. So could you please add me back? I promise to be a better LJ friend than I've been so far. I haven't commented much anywhere lately, due to lack of time.


ashspark December 6 2009, 11:14:18 UTC
You were one of the persons it broke my heart to cut, so yeah, I'm adding you right back with pleasure! I was wondering why you weren't answering to the fcut post then thought that I had to eespect your wish...*gets emotionnal*
Anyway, welcome back!


evendia December 6 2009, 11:26:07 UTC
Aw. ♥ I'm sorry for worrying you, I honestly missed your post. It's good to be back! <3


ashspark December 6 2009, 12:24:52 UTC


evolia December 6 2009, 10:05:29 UTC


ashspark December 6 2009, 12:26:48 UTC
*waves back*


kakinou December 6 2009, 13:04:23 UTC
Helloww! :D

T'as fait le cut, j'espère que ça t'as pas pris trop de temps, surtout vu comment LJ ramait hier... *sigh*

Edit: And because I'm a brainless cunt, I forgot to say Thank you to kakinou for my first LJ-present, you rock girl!

:D You're welcome *hugs*


ashspark December 6 2009, 18:22:55 UTC
J'ai eu du bol, j'ai eu une fenêtre d'une demie heure ce matin où LJ était bien, puis ça s'est remis à merder comme pas permis... J'ai quand même cutté un peu plus de 15 personnes au total, ce fut difficile parce que y'en a avec qui je parle plus, mais on se parlait à une époque, et je savais pas quoi faire...

Mais vraiment merci, ça m'a fait trop plaisir quand j'ai vu ça, j'ai eu un vrai squee, très fort, j'ai du réveiller la moitié de la maisonnée... *hugs back*


kakinou December 6 2009, 20:04:58 UTC
J'ai encore jamais eu ce problème, mais je peux imaginer que ça doit pas être très agréable! Au pire ceux que tu as viré à tort te le feront savoir :)
LJ à l'air de remarcher convenablement là. Ouf.

:D J'en ai reçu un ce matin aussi, et j'ai eu la même réaction, donc je me suis dit que ça allait faire squeeer (oui c'est totalement un verbe) d'autres personnes aussi! Heureuse que ça t'ai fait plaisir!! Et j'espère que je n'ai pas été la cause d'un réveil prématuré chez toi!


blueheronz December 6 2009, 21:02:40 UTC

Thanks for keeping me. I've not been about too much lately. I'm working on my original fiction and a House/Cameron story and so I've really buckled down and tried to stay away from distractions.

And at best, I'm sporadic and distracted. Which is or isn't forgivable, I guess.

Cheers, Ash.


ashspark December 7 2009, 10:54:08 UTC
Hey there!

When I was doing my fcut thingy, I thought hard about it but then thought that we hadn't really gotten time to interact and that you were not one of the people I wanted to cut in the first place, and now that you mention an H/C story, I know that my guts were so telling me the right thing! :)

And I get sporadic... I used to be so but now that I'm in that weird place with way too much free time on my hands, I find myself updating my lj frequently enough because I have basically nothing to do, it's a little sad...



wildpages December 7 2009, 11:04:22 UTC
w00t :DD


ashspark December 8 2009, 20:56:56 UTC
Told you I was keeping you...


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