Who Fancies some WW2 Fic?

Oct 02, 2009 19:13

Title: Business As Usual
Author: Huggeroftrees
Fandom: Murder In Suburbia
Pairing: Ash/Scribbs
Warnings: Swearing, (later there will be flirting and possible affection)
Summary: For Ralst’s IDF 2009 "What If?" challenge: An AU-Fic of Ash/Scribbs (Murder in Suburbia) placing them in London during WW2, serving in the ATS.

Chapter 1


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femslash day, challenge, fan fiction

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Comments 19

tudinous October 2 2009, 22:36:17 UTC
I'm more-than-happy to know that there will be a chapter two.


tudinous October 3 2009, 01:43:05 UTC
silly me...that was Chapter two. I'm now hoping for a Chapter three?


7tree_hugger October 3 2009, 18:14:47 UTC
As are we all - cos if the computer had hiccuped and lost it I would be more than a tad upset!


Glad you enjoyed reading chapter 2, even if it did melt the cognitive processes for a second. Thanks!


(The comment has been removed)

7tree_hugger October 3 2009, 18:13:27 UTC
I forgot about it too. Well, not really, but it was at the bottom of the pile. For which I apologise. Profusely.

Glad it wasn't a pleasant rather than a indifferent surprise. Thanks for the compliments!


magicmumu October 3 2009, 08:28:12 UTC
I just want to sa6y first thing that I am glad that this story is being continued. I thought maybe not, since it has been a while, but I konw how Real Life can be a pain to writers. I hope that the next update wait time is short next time around, but I will take what I can get when it comes because this story is proving to be worth the wait. So, that being said, I liked reading about Ash and Scribbs spending the day together on their day off, and how Ash had offered to let Scribbs use her bath. I think this was definately the start to something good, and I can't wait for the next part.



7tree_hugger October 3 2009, 18:11:40 UTC
I am so sorry it took so long. RL got somewhat distracting (I admit other fandoms stole the muse and tied it up in the cellar for a good while as well).

Glad you liked it, thanks for commenting.


zero2aries October 3 2009, 12:08:50 UTC
Oh God!!

A New chapter!!

AND an Biggles reference!!

I think I want to marry you...

Seriously though, great to see an update of this excellent story.

One little point - A Levels - they didn't exist before 1951. Prior to that it was the multi-subject School Certificate at 16 and the multi-subject Higher School Certificate at 18. (And poor kids didn't usually get that far without some sort of scholarship - usually they left school & started work at 14). Other than that, though, I love how beautifully researched your story is. True to the time, true to the conditions and yet still true to the characters. Great work.



7tree_hugger October 3 2009, 18:09:16 UTC
Biggles and Sexton Blake! I tend towards the latter myself, thank BBC7 for me knowing who he was. Now that was a fun wikipedia search: he's a detective, hangs around with a little boy and a dog, always gets knocked on the head and tied up at the end of the third episode... [Search]. No Results? Fail! :D

Biggles was going to be Dan Dare, but he didn't turn up 'til 1951 so I was stuffed with that line of enquiry. So. These A'Levels. Really not around then? Blast. Will have to edit in the School Cert a la Chalet School instead.

Thanks for the commentary, tis nice to know the aim to sound authentic is not too badly achieved.

Edited to add: will only accept marriage offers from monied persons. Tenders to write thesis are gratefully received however.


zero2aries October 6 2009, 21:16:57 UTC
will only accept marriage offers from monied persons.


That's me out then - I'm broke... *g*


7tree_hugger October 7 2009, 10:55:57 UTC
Thesis? *proffers thesis*

Lookit the nice thesis. One kind lady owner - simple to write - no hidden catches.



vjb2006 October 3 2009, 20:12:52 UTC
I'm glad to see this being continued and the reference to Biggles? WIN
Now we just need Worrals and the Abbey Girls worked in and the references will be complete :)


7tree_hugger October 3 2009, 20:20:13 UTC
Biggles is not all that you know. Sexton Blake all the way. Especially since I picked up a rumour that Lord Peter Whimsy grew out of a Sexton Blake fanfic.

Worrals? I find my research lacking. That's not like being on the Wirral then?


vjb2006 October 3 2009, 20:36:11 UTC

My Mum and Dad had the Biggles & Worrals books as well as the Abbey Girls series from when they were kids & I read them voraciously, along with the Damn Busters and Reach for the Sky biographies.

Never read Sexton Blake tho - love LPW so will have to look this up.

See what you can learn through fanfic!


7tree_hugger October 5 2009, 08:46:50 UTC
Go women fighterpilots! (Ash unfortunately afraid of heights. Probably).


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