Series 1 Highlights

Jan 16, 2007 21:05

In celebration of exceeding 30 members, I thought I'd do a little post on some of my favourite Ash/Scribbs scenes from the first series. I stress some of my favourites. Couldn't fit them all into the ten minutes that YouTube will accept. They're not all necessarily slashy. They're just scenes that I love.

Anyway, discuss, agree, disagree, post your own thoughts.

Series 1 Highlights

1. The very first Ash/Scribbs scene.
I love how they're arguing the first time we meet them. It really establishes the relationship between them as one of deep familiarity and friendship. I also love that it demonstrates exactly how picky Ash is about men and how desperate Scribbs is just to spend time with Ash. We also get the first outing of Ash's 'rules' and it's clear that Scribbs has been subjected to them often.

Fave bit? "Classy." I just love it when Ash says that.

2. Bastard men!
Scribbs is so trying to put Ash off men here. She mentions an old boyfriend that I'm pretty sure she must've known was crap. And she basically comes out and says 'Why are you dating crap men when you could be having me?'. Or, you know, she says 'Bastard men, eh? What did God create them for?'. Ash is typically clueless.

And it sounds like Caroline has the cold.

3. School Uniforms
This is cuteness! Ash and Scribbs in school uniforms. Scribbs pinning her Prefect's badge onto Ash's tie. And a reference to Ash's poshness. Doesn't get much better.

And Scribbs definitely suggested the outing to the Skool Disko so that Ash could see her all tarted up. There's no point in denying it.

4. Or eat a peach!
Blantant sexual references abound in this scene. Bananas and peaches. And it's clear which Scribbs prefers. Mostly I love the look that Ash gives Scribbs right after she utters her immortal line. It's so like 'I can't believe you just told him that you and I engage in oral sex with each other'. Or something.

5. Jealous!Ash
I love this scene!!! Ash is so obviously jealous. And not in the cute Scribbs way of being jealous. Just outright hostile jealous. Arms folded, looking away, interrupting. Classic!

6. Posh Girls High
I think this might be my favourite scene. The delivery of 'Posh Girls High' just cracks me up. Every. Single. Time. And Ash's 'Exactly' is just perfect.

7. She's not a little bit weird
This is a bizarre inclusion as it doesn't actually include Scribbs (don't faint!). But it's Ash with one of her boyfriends, getting ready for bed...and she's talking about Scribbs. And she has obviously talked about her enough for him to form an opinion of her. And for him to think that she's Ash's 'best friend'. Ash is so in love.

8. The Wedding Slut
Again, I love how this scene shows the comfort and familiarity they have with one another. They've been sitting drinking wine (and doing something that messed up the cushions on the sofa) in Ash's flat. Scribbs is borrowing Ash's clothes. The look on Ash's face when Scribbs comes in wearing the suit is pure adoration. And she wants to make sure that Scribbs isn't putting herself out there for every Tom, Dick and Harry at the wedding to have a shot at her.

The thing I most love about this scene is Scribbs' socks. So Scribbs.

9. With heels
Well, in this scene both Ash and Scribbs, with varying degrees of subtlety, enquire as to whether the other has had sex with someone else. Scribbs is obviously terrified that Ash dressed up for this Matt and so very gleeful when she finds out that she didn't.

10. Sisterly love
In which we learn exactly how keen Scribbs is to date an Ashurst and how keen Ash is to prevent Scribbs from meeting her brother.

Ash is quite adorable when she's lying. Crap at it, but very adorable.

Interesting how Ash seems to know all about Scribbs' family (both mother and sister have been mentioned with some degree of familiarity) but Scribbs isn't even aware of the existence of this 'brother'. Ash must be really scared that Scribbs'll fancy him.

11. Growing old together
Scribbs blows off a cute guy to be with Ash. Who again subtlely enquires about the state of the relationship. Scribbs makes it abundantly clear exactly who she wants to be with.

'Could end up growing very old together.'

I lopped off Ash's response as I feel it is really unnecessary. The 'growing old together' thing is revisited in 'Golden Oldies'. Which is also the 'Gray and Gay' episode.

12. The C Word
Any hint of Ash & Scribbs doing 'undercover' work is fabulous. And Scribbs biting people and hitting people with woks is a tremendous visual.

And do we believe Ash's explanation of 'The C Word'? No, I didn't think so.

13. Bimbo Geisha Whore
Ash ranting. Ash making a spectacle of herself. Ash barging into Scribbs' flat. Scribbs offering to shoot Ash.

Love it.

Series 2, anyone?

video, highlights, series 1

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