Title: New Phone
Summary: Sherlock got a new phone (in Series 2). Hilarity ensues.
Rating: PG-13 for potentially sexual (if you squint really hard) autocorrect sillies.
After a dive into the Thames, Sherlock's Blackberry was on the fritz. The screen was waterlogged and some keys didn't work well anymore. Sherlock managed to keep it going for a week before it simply refused to turn on. That was when he got his iPhone.
"John, this is my new number. Propose it into your phone. SH"
"Prostate." Then, "Program!!"
"Haha auto correct?"
5 minutes later:
"How do I turn the auto correct off? SH"
"Can't figure it out?"
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"Can't text without looking. Tendons." Then, "TEDIOUS. And, if I could, I wouldn't ass." Then, " Ask!!"
"You're a genius, figure it out."
"Jam..." Then, "God donuts! JOHN!"
"Help me."
He finally gave in. "Go to settings. Then keyboard. You'll see where it says to turn it off."
Too bad, John thought. Oh well. He still planned to keep the texts. And maybe post them on his website.