Master and Commander, Jack and Stephen. At the Grapes R

Dec 22, 2011 06:50

TITLE: At The Grapes
AUTHOR: Ashley-Pitt
SUBMITTED FOR: December 22, 2011 Advent Calendar
DISCLAIMER: I do not own these characters, nor am I making any money from them. I borrow them once in awhile, but put them away tidily.

It was late one evening in December and Stephen sat reading in his room at The Grapes. It was cold outside and he huddled close to the fire.
He had just started the chapter on the mating habits of the three -toed sloth, when there was knock at the door.

He rose and crossed the room to open it.

Jack stood in the doorway. His cloak was wet; snowflakes still sparkled in his hair.

“Jack, what is wrong?” he cried

“No one is venturing out on the roads. The weather is too foul. I can not get to Ashcroft tonight.”

“Come in,” Stephen said. “Warm your self by the fire.”

Jack shook off his heavy cloak and hung it to dry on a hook. He moved to the fireplace and turned his back to it. He raised his coat tails to the heat.

“Thank you Stephen. I was ...”


“Yes. It being so near Christmas I wanted to be home with Sophie and the children as much as possible, but…”

“Brother, I am sure the roads will be passable on the morrow.”

Stephen had a still warm pot of coffee at the hearth and he poured Jack a cup.

Jack took the cup and sipped from it gratefully “I wish we had our instruments; a good concerto for ‘cello and violin would cheer me.”

“I know perhaps another way of cheering you, my plum.” Stephen said softly. Stephen took the cup from Jack and put it on the table.

He placed his hands on either side of Jack’s still chilled face. He leaned up and kissed the cold lips.

“Ah Stephen, that will answer tolerably well,” Jack said.

“Then how about this,” Stephen murmured, as he wrapped his arms around Jack and pulled him closer. Stephen again put his lips to Jack’s but this time he kissed harder and deeper.

A low moan escaped from Jack as he leaned into Stephen and move rhythmically against him.

Suddenly, Stephen broke off the kiss and moved away.

“What is it?” Jack gasped.

“I am getting a crick in my neck, my dear. Let us move this to a more suitable location.”

He took Jack’s hand and led him to the bed.

Stephen gestured for Jack to remove his coat and shoes.

Then Stephen began to slowly untie Jack’s neck cloth and unbutton his shirt.

Stephen took them and laid them on the chair. He then buttoned Jack’s beeches and let them fall to the floor.

Jack now stood before Stephen naked but for his stockings.

“ You are so beautiful, Jack,” he murmured.

Jack smiled and said, “As beautiful as a shot-holed mainsail. Now your turn.”

Stephen shrugged off his coat. Jack slowly and gently removed each piece of Stephen's clothing until he stood unabashedly naked. Stephen was just as uniformly tanned as he had been in the summer months.

“Come with me,” Stephen said huskily and he guided Jack into the bed.

Jack pulled down the blanket and got in. As a captain of a frigate he was used to commanding but in bed he preferred Stephen to lead.

And Stephen did lead. He kissed Jack from stem to stern and from starboard to port. He then returned to Jack’s lips. Stephen parted them gently with his tongue. Then reaching down he grasped Jack’s rapidly stiffening member and began to stroke it firmly and confidently.

It did not take this combination of loving to drive Jack to and gloriously over the edge. He arched his back as he issued into Stephen’s hand.

Stephen moved to his side of the bed and looked fondly as his exhausted, glistening, smiling lover.

“Not lonely anymore are you my pet?”

advent calender, master and commander

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