Hortonpeak - Year Two, Newson

Feb 06, 2016 14:13

Last time... Molly didn't do a great job planting crops for the village as she was far to busy canoodling with Aaron. In Aaron & Lukes round she was caught with Aaron while he was also seeing Evangeline. In Evangelines round they both *kind of* made up.

Well... as Molly and Evangeline kind of made up last round there isn't really anyone else to build bridges with?

She starts the round (finally) tending to the crops with Kieron.

Evangeline pops by for her formal yearly review to see how Molly is doing.

Nothing like being watched while doing something you're not great at - right?


Evangeline has... gone off meat during her pregnancy? That's what Molly told herself anyway.

"I saw Evangeline watch you do the gardening earlier..."

"... I've got to go, don't tell her I was here. Please!"

"I saw Molly and Aaron gossiping outside earlier when I was around. Obviously didn't want us to know they're still together"


Pretty much all Molly did this round was garden.

Ooh and she managed to squeeze an hours painting in too.

The first harvest of Hortonpeak!

The second planting of hortonpeak :(

With her tomatoes to sell Molly decides to open up a little store.

Though she is slightly struggling with the non-automatic till.

'bitch better stay away from my man'

Her first dollar!

Uhmm.. Kieron I don't think that's your job to worry about this!

This cutie, Berjis, popped by from the closest village (still hours away mind). He is the local garden member candidate for Hortonpeak so he decided to come by and check out how everything was going.

Molly, of course, flocked to him.

'I WISH they would stop talking through me!'

It got to the point where Berjes' monthly trip to Hortonpeak became Mollys highlight.

And.. the round ends with Molly revealing the true reasons why.

I never planned to marry in the garden club member again (reference to my old BaCC) but they all are soooo cute and he is lush especially! AND i don't like Aaron at all!!!! So I don't want them to end up together.

Molly was so poor at the end of this round she couldn't even afford to pay her $200 taxes, so next round she'll have to play double + 5% interest! ($200 x 1.05 = $210 + $200 = $410)


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