To all my FFVIII friends on my f-list (especially Squall & Rinoa fans!)

Jul 10, 2012 19:40

Remember, the Where I Belong Squall & Rinoa challenge starts in about twenty days- August 1st until August 31st. So get writing/drawing/vidding/icon-ing/craft-ing/ well, basically anything creative with an 'ing' on the end. If you haven't heard about it, there's still plenty of time as we want to get as many writers/artists/etc from across the ( Read more... )

writing, fanfiction, final fantasy viii, ff8, where i belong, don't click the link

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Comments 4

weiila July 17 2012, 16:20:51 UTC
Mwaaah oh my :D So many familiar names up there too. I'm afraid I'm way out of the fandom since forever, but just seeing you guys coming back together is so sweet.

Oh my just you saying that your kids are teenagers now... I remember you sending pics of the little girl with the cactuar doll. Holeeey crappo :D


ashes_and_wings July 28 2012, 20:12:34 UTC
I know, I'm so late in replying... gah.

I totally understand how life can go and it was some time ago. Glad to see you're around fandom in one way or another. And I still have Ash with the Cactuar picture; I used that as an icon forever. I had it on LJ, but lost it when I didn't keep my paid account. She's still... sweet. Well, okay in that 13 year old girl way, but still Ashley under it all. ;)

My son is now 17. He's going to be a senior and taking pre-law classes. It's hard to believe; I try not to think about it too much or I'll feel really, really old. Age is a state of mind, right?


Progress.. arami_heartilly July 19 2012, 22:33:06 UTC
I've really enjoyed the challenge so far - I'm so glad I've kept to checking LJ intermittently. I'm 2/3 of the way through and really looking forwards to seeing everyone elses ^^

I can't believe it's been 10 years since I started writing squall/Rinoa fanfiction.... doesn't seem that long (even though I think it must be there or there about).

Thanks again for posting about it - I'm really glad to be able to join in!


Re: Progress.. ashes_and_wings July 28 2012, 20:08:23 UTC
Hey, I'll do an LJ post in a little bit, but wanted to let you know we opened a LJ community for the challenge. Woo hoo! SummonerLuna is taking on the LJ duties along with the 'Master List' which will be difficult to say the least.

Anyways, please, please come and join the com!

FYI - I finally wrote down about 300 words last night. Go me! Hope the writing is still going well. Thank you again for taking part. ;)


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