Slashy Fun

Jan 06, 2012 23:23

I have just joined a little slashy group and now i am seriously considering writing a few slashy o/s . Never written slash before, and i'm really not sure if i can write it or not! EEP! Anyone have any suggestions? LOL

writing, ramblings, me

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Comments 4

carlyinrome January 6 2012, 17:19:44 UTC

Boyslash or girlslash?

I look at writing slash pretty much the same way I look at writing het: it's really about how the characters connect to each other, their relationship. Sometimes there's sexual politics to negotiate, things you don't have with het ships (for example, I write slash for a fandom where the men involved are in the military) but I don't really think it's so different.


ashes1753 January 7 2012, 10:03:04 UTC

Spike and Angel/us specifically. You see i was a bit worried everyone will expect smut, when what i really want to write ( at least to start with) is the relationship and emotions.

And, now i'm wondering if you know any cliche's i should avoid, LOL.


realme63 January 6 2012, 19:34:47 UTC
I agree.


ashes1753 January 7 2012, 10:03:22 UTC
hehe :P


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