Title: The Master of the Ring
Author: ashes at midnight
Wordcount: 4,095
Pairings: Buffy/Angel, Darla/Angelus
Rating: M
Prompt: Angel takes Buffy to a circus/fair, flashing back to a time when the fanged four visited a circus/fair.
Disclaimer: Joss owns the characters, I own the plot.
A/N: Set in season 2, between “What’s my line pt. 2” and “Surprise”,
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Comments 4
You got the tone of early B/A down perfectly. So sweet and not yet darkened by the the curse's details. I love the ending with the two snuggling together while watching the circus. It's a good contrast with the horror of Angel's last visit.
Poor Darla. The ringmaster makes a terrifying, powerful foe. I cheered when Angelus ripped his head off. What a relief the circus that visited Sunnydale lacked a magical ringmaster. For once, something normal comes to town.
Thank you for the great story!
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