Sad days in LJ-land :(

Apr 05, 2017 11:24

I'm not leaving -- but so many people that I care about are ( Read more... )

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Comments 29

dark_phoenix54 April 5 2017, 16:32:24 UTC
Well, I have a DW account, and an FB one, but I have no intention of leaving LJ. DW is a pain in the ass to upload pictures to, and I hate filling people's FB pages with long reviews or strings of large pictures. So, I am here. I want Russia out of our government, but don't give a crap if they see my posts and know I have some embarrassing physical (or mental!) problem- I'm putting it out to the world, anyway. Things would be different if I were talking about delicate situations, like other people's business transactions or the like.


myriai April 5 2017, 16:37:13 UTC
I don't really post enough for it to have any effects one way or another, but I also have a DW account:

I haven't used it since 2012 though (but I may start posting again some day).


angldst April 5 2017, 16:57:37 UTC
I'm still here, because I have a 'permanent' account. I can only get accounts yearly over at DW, and blah blah blah. I'm not posting much right now, anywhere (ebb & flow, y'know), but I always read.

The DW account is there, just in case.




trystbat April 5 2017, 17:21:20 UTC
"It mystifies me that FB (known for censoring content, violating privacy, and selling/monetizing user data) is seen as better than the nebulous threat posed by LJ's new TOS."

Yeah, this. Now, I've worked at Internet companies for most of my adult life, & I can tell you that 99.9% of them love love love having your data, but that's purely bec. they hope you'll buy more Coke & Toyotas, the ads for which will, in turn, profit the Internet companies. Users posting "questionable" content is only a problem bec. it might interrupt the flow of advertisers buying ads & money pouring in to support said Internet company. It's called commerce, & yup, I've made my living off it indirectly. So privacy? So what? Internet companies don't care if you're a black trans activist with a green card trying to take down the govt -- just click on the ads, pls!


the_axel April 6 2017, 18:28:53 UTC
How do you feel about them no longer using SSL?


praxedes_osaka April 5 2017, 17:29:49 UTC
I still x-post from DW, but I do all my reading from here because it's much easier on the eyes. :3

I feel like some of the reaction is knee-jerk but a bit narrow-sighted, given the new ToS came out immediately following the St Petersburg subway attack and LJ has a long and glorious history of being the digital meeting ground for anti-*Current Russian President*/regime Russian activists. I have a very strong feeling that this is what it's about, about shutting down dissenting Russian bloggers and the like.

But I look for patterns and connections, and things like this don't generally happen in a vacuum.


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