End of LJ as we know it?

Apr 05, 2017 22:19

I just agreed to the new Russian ToS (they popped up when I logged in) because I can't just NOT sign into LJ, but what did I just agree to? I tried to read it all but *head spin*. Did I just sign away my life away or something? Or is all much the same as before? I do have a Dreamwidth account but I can't even imagine transferring everything ( Read more... )

lj, stuff, fandom

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Comments 28

madebyme_x April 5 2017, 14:13:33 UTC
A few people have posted more info about it but it's all goes way over my head. I think people are mostly concerned with any slash/NC-17 content, and also something about spam?

I'm not going anywhere, but I have just opened a DW account as a back up, just in case. You can import your LJ journal over which was pretty easy to do, just a few clicks.

But yes, I've seen a lot of people say that they're staying, but taking precautions. I'm not sure what this means for comms though, but I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Take care, and I'll see if I can find you on DW, I'm trying to back up the flist too! *hugs*


madebyme_x April 5 2017, 14:19:57 UTC
Here's an entry that a few people have re-posted on my flist re. ToS that is very helpful;



ash48 April 6 2017, 10:08:36 UTC
Hey hun. Thanks for the link. I'll take a read. I didn't know you could transfer your whole journal in a click or two. I'll have to investigate that as well. x


madebyme_x April 6 2017, 10:30:28 UTC
I'm completely new to DW, but some aspects are very similar to LJ. And yes, you can import your journal over (entries/comments etc) and it was easy (which is saying something for me as I'm not very tech savvy!)

If you do open an account, let me know, I'd love to friend you as I'm trying to get a back up of my flist too, just to be on the safe side! x


cuddyclothes April 5 2017, 14:25:03 UTC
Honestly I'm not particularly worried. I have a Dreamwidth account and I'm importing everything over there. But honestly, I hate their platform. This is my home.

As for gay slash etc., I've already put 99% of my fics on AO3 and some on The Pit.


ash48 April 6 2017, 10:09:27 UTC
I'll look into importing my journal for back up too I think.


yourlibrarian April 5 2017, 16:41:19 UTC
Agree with madebyme, if you have an account there it's extremely easy to back up your content. Right now the completion for the import process is slow because people are doing it in droves, but even so I completed one overnight.

You may find this post helpful:


While over time DW no longer works exactly like LJ it essentially functions the same way, minus the photo hosting. And fandom is fairly quiet there, though it really depends on who you follow and what communities you participate in. Fandom's been getting pretty quiet on LJ too, so it's mostly a matter of people actively choosing to crosspost to both places rather than only here (which can also be done simply with the ticky of a box).


yourlibrarian April 5 2017, 16:45:36 UTC
Sorry, amending this to add that they do now have photo hosting, which has a small free amount for all users and then will offer more for paid users:



ash48 April 6 2017, 10:11:39 UTC
Thank you for the info. I think I'll try to import my LJ to DW for back up - though a lot of my old motel posts rely on photos hosted on LJ. I'll see what happens. :)


jj1564 April 5 2017, 16:46:47 UTC
I completely agree with everything you say here. I am in exactly the same position - I signed the new T&C, although I have no idea what they mean, as I don't want to leave LJ, it is my online fandom home!


ash48 April 6 2017, 10:12:11 UTC


junkerin April 5 2017, 19:47:05 UTC
I don't even have a DW account.

What makes me nervous is that we are now under russian law and I really don't like that.


ash48 April 6 2017, 10:23:51 UTC
*nods* I've known for a while LJ is a Russian site but never thought about the Terms of Service before. :/


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