New vid! "Just a Little Bit More"

Sep 24, 2016 23:40

Title: Just a Little Bit More
Vidder: Ash48
Music by: LibertyX
Length: 2.57m
Summary: "Everything about you is so sexy" - aka S11 Gag Reel (with snippets of past gag reels)

Watch: You Tube
Download: 4Shared

For the lovely milly_gal. She put this song out there a while back and it struck me as something that could work for our lovely cast. Thanks hun!

image Click to view

Special thanks to milly_gal and vyperdd for checking over the vid. <33 It's been SO DAMN LONG since I made a vid I felt like I had forgotten how to.

Notes: I have been making vids of the gag reel since S2 so I felt like I just had to keep up the tradition. It was also an excuse to get me out of my funk and just open my vid program again. :) Nothing special, just having some fun with music and images. :D

vidding, supernatural, spnvid

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