10.23 Poll

May 27, 2015 19:49

A little late, but I'm still keen to know what you all thought. :)

Poll 10.23 reaction

I still have a few comments to reply to on my original 10.23 post, and I hope to get to them soon. :))

Hearing Jensen say that the writers write the season finales (since S5) without a clue how they'll get themselves out if it confirms my new found (solid) understanding that there really is no journey from the beginning of a season to the end of it. I did think that maybe Carver had a 3 year plan when he took over in S8, but if they don't know how a season will end, then I have to assume that there's been no thought put into any continuous character or myth arc journey. And it's clear now that he didn't. I'm not saying that's a bad thing (and I don't think it would be if you don't watch the show for overall themes or character arcs), just disappointing. To keep throwing the boys into these ethical, moral and personal dilemmas without some sort of resolution is just frustrating. If you make Dean do something like he did at the beginning of S9, surely it has to end some sort of comment about it. Jensen believes that the MoC story started for Dean at 9.01 (which I agree with), but I never got the sense that the show/writers thought that. They both suffered as a result of it and yet neither seem to have come away with any understanding it. Though, maybe there's a plan in that. If they understood any of that they would be too "healthy" to be our beloved, screwed up Winchesters…;)

Aaanyway. I could yabber on about all that for ages, but I'm not sure there are any answers. If they don't write in answers (and jump from idea to idea) then I'm just not sure it's even worth nutting out. Though I'll always be interested in fanon ideas… :D

poll, s10 musings

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