Stuffity stuff...

May 19, 2015 19:20

Remember how I didn't write a review/reaction for 10.22 and said the comments would work as one? Well, I'm pleased to say they did! The comments from everyone are very interesting and thoughtful and the discussion pretty much covers much of what I would have written ( Read more... )

s10 musings, thanks

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Comments 24

chomaisky May 19 2015, 12:01:08 UTC
Have fun at the con!


ash48 May 19 2015, 13:00:10 UTC
Thanks! I'm sure I will :))


fanspired May 19 2015, 12:13:18 UTC
Central Coast? Whaddaya know? My home town :)


ash48 May 19 2015, 13:01:15 UTC
Ha! :D My family live there - parents and 2 sisters. :) Wamberal, Long Jetty and Bateau Bay. :)


fanspired May 19 2015, 13:22:58 UTC
Just round the corner! Tumbi :)


ash48 May 20 2015, 10:28:44 UTC
Haha! Are you going to the convention?


madebyme_x May 19 2015, 12:45:21 UTC
I hope you have a wonderful and amazing time at the con, and I'm looking forward to hearing all about it when you get back (well if we all survive the finale, that is ;)


ash48 May 19 2015, 13:01:57 UTC
I am thinking I might not survive the finale!!

Hoping to have some fun stuff to report! :)


milly_gal May 19 2015, 13:37:52 UTC
Have fun at the con bb! I want lots of details (when you wake up!) and good luck for Wednesday night (Thursday morning for us mere mortals in England)

I too enjoyed the hell out of that discussion/poll post! So thank you!

You always manage to expand my views or at the very least give me the tools to do so myself :)


ash48 May 19 2015, 23:34:00 UTC
Thank you honey!! (and it's Thursday afternoon for me! Ark! One more day *bites nails*)

Glad you enjoyed the discussion. It was great! :D


milly_gal May 21 2015, 07:31:50 UTC
I've got a sneaking suspicion the entire of lj is gonna be ghostly for a few days O_O until people have watched or caught up!


hugemind May 19 2015, 13:51:47 UTC
YAY, have fun at AHBL! <3


ash48 May 19 2015, 23:34:16 UTC
Thank you! I'm sure I will!! :DDD


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